Wednesday Words

Jul 14, 2021 06:21

Not a bad week. Hit my first zero-WC day of the month which I'm a little annoyed at because I was on a streak! But I spent the day at the lake with my sister and it was great and by the time I got home I was too sun-drained to focus on writing. Honestly this whole past week was pretty active for me in terms of work and RL activities, and I think I generally managed to balance writing with all of that the best I could!

Weekly Word Count (7/7-7/13) = 4,513

What I Worked On:
  • A Relationship Unravels - HP: outlined a placeholder scene & wrote one scene.

  • Vampire!Wincest: finished a partially written scene, wrote a scene, and got about halfway through writing another.

  • Monster Daddy Sam Collab: *almost* finished drafting the first scene and began writing the next.

Next Week's Goals
  • Unwanted Wincest Bunny: go through beta comments, do final read-through, and prep for posting!

  • A Relationship Unravels - HP: write one scene.

  • Vampire!Wincest: finish current scene scene and write the next.

  • Prison Break!Wincest: send to beta.

  • Monster Daddy Sam Collab: finish first scene and continue writing the next.
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personal: writing, fandom: supernatural, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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