My Bloody Valentine Fic: To Grandmother's House We Go (Lavender/Parvati, Teen)

Feb 14, 2021 07:36

Title: To Grandmother's House We Go
Pairing: Lavender/Parvati
Rating: Teen
Word Count: ~1,200
Content/Warnings: established relationship, creature!fic, werewolf!Lavender, murder, possessiveness, implied unhealthy relationship dynamics, dysfunctional family
Summary: Every few weeks Parvati delivers food to her ailing grandmother. This time she's in for a surprise.
Notes: Written for Femslash February,
hpdarkarts's My Bloody Valentine's mini fest 2021, and
hpfemslash-minifest's January/February 2021 themes Plans & Scarves

Thanks to the lovely
writcraft for giving this a once-over!

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no repost, my fanfic, pairing: lavender/parvati, creature: werewolf, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: femslash, established relationship, rating: pg-13, trope: creature!fic

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