H/D Erised Fic Claim: Hung (Up on You) [Drarry, Explicit)

Jan 08, 2021 10:32

Reveals have posted over at
hd_erised, which means I get to claim this little ficlet I wrote as a gift for one of our amazing pinch hitters!Hung (Up on You) by
Harry doesn't see any need going all the way to St Mungo's just to heal up a scratch, but if Malfoy wants to take him home and heal Harry himself, he won't say no to that.

Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~5,400
Warnings/Content Notes: PWP, Auror Harry Potter, Curse-Breaker Draco, Blood & Injury, hurt/comfort, UST, Hung Harry Potter, Magically Healing Cock, Anal Sex, Riding, Dirty Talk
Author’s Notes: Happy H/D Erised,
apriicat!! I picked a couple of things from
your sign-up and ran with them, and I hope you enjoy this quick and
smutty ficlet! ♥ Eternal gratitude to my marvellous betas-
shiftylinguini, &
malenkayacherepakha-and to my co-mods for being awesome!READ ON AO3
This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

trope: hurt/comfort, fest: hd_erised, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: post-hogwarts, fandom: harry potter, pwp, hung!harry, kink: dirty talk, rating: nc-17, profession: law enforcement, pairing: draco/harry, profession: cursebreaker, bottom!harry

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