October DD Fic: Mirror, Mirror (James Sirius/Oliver, Explicit)

Oct 09, 2020 07:25

Title: Mirror, Mirror
Pairing: James Sirius Potter/Oliver Wood
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~2,350
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Mirrors
Warnings/Content: established relationship, boss/employee relationship, secret relationship, bathroom sex, shaving, anal fingering, wanking, general debauchery
Summary: James's head is due for a shave.
Author's Notes: Credit for this fic's concept goes to the lovely
icarusinflight who essentially gave me a full plot as a prompt and then I ran with it!

Thanks so much to JustAGirl for the beta!

This is also doubling as the Shaving square for my
seasonofkink 2020 Bingo card! (technically the season is over but I'm gonna keep playing on my own until I get a blackout!)

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no repost, kink: shaving!kink, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, comm: seasonofkink, pairing type: cross gen, established relationship, trope: secret relationship, rating: nc-17, kink: bathroom!sex, comm: daily_deviant, kink: fingering, pairing: james sirius/oliver, kink: boss/employee relationship

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