Happy Birthday Writcraft!

Sep 19, 2020 06:44

Happiest of birthdays to my dear, dear friend,
writcraft! You are truly wonderful and I am so grateful to have you in my life! Besides being a wonderful friend and human being, your contributions to fandom have been truly amazing and inspiring, so I thought that this year, instead of gifting you fic, I'd create something a little different to show my endless appreciation for all that you do!

You have become such a dear, dear friend over the years and I'm so grateful to have  you in my life! Besides being a wonderful friend and human being, your contributions to fandom have been truly amazing, so I thought that this year, instead of gifting you fic, I'd create something a little different to show my endless appreciate for all that you do!
Writ's Fanlore Page
You've mentioned before how cool it would be to have a fanlore page of your own, and I had so much fun scouring through your fannish history to try and craft something that does justice to all the things you've done in fandom! I did my best, but I'm sure I've forgotten something or possibly got a detail wrong--let me know and I can edit! All the thanks to
torino10154for providing valuable insight to you and all things Snarry, to
dicta_contrion for her invaluable wordsmithing and content feedback, and to
shiftylinguini &
silveredsound who helped confirm some details for me. This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID


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