BBTP Fic: Aphrodisiac (Ron/Lily Luna, Explicit)

Sep 01, 2020 07:01

bbtp_challenge time! I've participated in this challenge every year since 2015/I started writing fic, and there was definitely no way I was missing it this year. I'm always down for an excuse to write some good old fashioned porn. ;)

Title: Aphrodisiac
Pairing: Lily Luna/Ron, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~1,350
Content/Warnings: uncle/niece incest, infidelity, aphrodisiacs, dub-con, under the influence
Summary: Ron seems hesitant to make a move, so Lily decides to help him along.
Notes: Thanks so much to
sportivetricks for the aphrodisiac prompt! I ended up going a het direction as opposed to the slashy possibilities you provided for me, but I figured you wouldn't mind. ;)

Thanks to the lovely
MalenkayaCherepakha for giving this a once-over!

This is also doubling as the Aphrodisiacs square for my
seasonofkink 2020 Bingo card!

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my fanfic, fest: seasonofkink, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, rating: nc-17, fest: bbtp, kink: dub-con, pairing: lily luna/ron, pairing type: het, trope: made them do it, kink: infidelity

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