Wednesday Words

Aug 19, 2020 06:33

Less words than usual the past week, but still a respectable amount, and I did have a lot of editing to get through which is necessary and important but generally not a high WC yield activity.

Weekly Word Count (8/12 - 8/18) = 4,668

What I Worked On:

  • hd_hurtfest: got back from beta & went through beta edits.

  • hd_fan_fair: wrote a scene and went through initial edits on the first 1/3 of the fic & sent that bit off to beta.

  • bbtp_challenge: edited draft, found, sent to, and got back from beta.

  • August
    daily_deviant: went through final edits and posted! You can read it here!

  • September
    daily_deviant: wrote first draft, did initial edits, &found, sent to, and got back from beta.

  • hp_nextgen_fest: claimed a prompt

  • weasleyjumpers: claimed a prompt and drafted, edited, and sent to beta! I wasn't planning on signing up with all my other projects, but I ended up reworking my original BBTP idea that I had partially drafted before scrapping, so it worked out!

Next Week's Goals
  • July/August
    hpfemslash-minifest: go through final edits & post.

  • bbtp_challenge: go through beta edits.

  • weasleyjumpers: go beta edits if I get back this week.

  • hd_fan_fair: write two scenes. I'm super close to finishing the draft, which I'd high-key like to do by the end of the month. I've managed to finish drafting anything else that is due before this one, so I should be able to focus almost entirely on this in terms of writing, with brief breaks to edit the other items.

  • hd_hurtfest: send to brit-picker, and go through edits if I get back this week!

  • September
    daily_deviant: go through beta edits.
This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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