For kiertorata: Summer Lovin' (Gabrielle/Ginny, Mature)

Aug 06, 2020 07:57

Title: Summer Lovin'
Pairing: Ginny/Gabrielle, past Ginny/Harry
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~2,000
Content/Warnings: skinny dipping, first kiss, summer hols, teasing
Summary: The last time Ginny saw Gabrielle she hadn't paid her much mind, but things are different now, and Ginny can't help but notice Gabrielle's gorgeous.
kiertorata: I knew I wanted to write a femslash piece for this challenge and your sign-up had so much fabulous inspiration! Something about Ginny/Gabrielle immediately called to me, despite never having read or written them before, and I picked a couple of other things from your sign-up to come up with this little number. I hope you enjoy! <3

A note on ages: I had it in my head that Ginny & Gabrielle were about the same age, and didn't look it up until after I wrote the fic, and it turns out they're not… So for the purposes of this fic, Gabrielle's been aged up a couple of years so her and Ginny are roughly the same age.

Thanks to the lovely
icarusinflight for giving this a once-over!

This is also doubling as the Teasing square for my
seasonofkink 2020 Bingo card!

Read on AO3
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fest: rarepair_shorts, pairing type: femslash, no repost, my fanfic, pairing: gabrielle/ginny, rating: r, fandom: harry potter

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