July Daily Deviant Fic: Kiss with a Fist (James/Sirius, Explicit)

Jul 09, 2020 08:04

Title: Kiss with a Fist
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~3,400
Kinks/Themes Chosen: New Tags: Fisting + James (character)
Warnings/Content: mentions of period-typical homophobia & internalised homophobia, pining, smut & angst, light finger!kink, anal fingering, fisting, crying, catharsis, brief mention of breathplay, implied past underage
Summary: James is nervous about his date tomorrow, and there's nothing like a good hard shag to get him to relax.
Author's Notes: Thanks so much to
writcraft for the beta! The title from the song of the same name by Florence and the Machine because I am terrible and couldn't help myself.

This takes place during James and Sirius's Seventh Year at Hogwarts, when they're both 17 years old and over the age of consent in the UK, though it's implied that they've had a sexual relationship for a while. There's no specific age/timeframe given, though the implication is that they started having sex before they both turned 17.
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no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: marauders, pairing: james/sirius, established relationship, rating: nc-17, comm: daily_deviant, kink: fingering, kink: fisting

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