Fics for MEEEEE

Jun 14, 2020 07:02

Hi friends!

Life has been full stop over at chez Grace (I don't recommend moving for the first time in 7 years in the middle of a pandemic and national protests) but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the THREE amazing fics that have posted for me over the past few weeks!

First, I got not one, but TWO fics over at
daily_deviant's Banging Birthday, which was a complete surprise, and an utter delight!

The first one was a fantastic Harry/Ron number, Kintsugi: Precious Scars, that takes place the summer after the war and gave me ALL the feels. I adore this pairing, and I really loved the way the author captured them and their relationship. :D

THEN we got my surprise fic for my Albus/James fuck or die prompt, Splat, which is CHOCK FULL of Wincest vibes from Supernatural, which is something I 110% can get behind. It's definitely a bit gruesome, but in a way that totally works and that I love!

Finally, I got a gift over at HP
rarepair_shorts! This is my first year submitting a wishlist and it was so exciting to get this delightful Harry/Sirius fic, Score by
wynnebat, which features established relationships, Quidditch, and a Sirius Lives AU (oh, and some super hot smut!)

Definitely recommend checking all three of these fabulous fics out, and while you're there, maybe seeing if anything else posted for the fests catches your eye! This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

fest: rarepair_shorts, fest: daily_deviant banging birthday, rec: fic, *for me, fandom: harry potter

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