Wednesday Words

May 06, 2020 07:37

So far, so good, in terms of maintaining my writing momentum! There was only one day this past week that I didn't write, and I'm feeling fairly inspired, which is really nice.

Weekly Word Count (4/29 - 5/5) = 6,013

What I Worked On:

  • daily_deviant Banging Birthday Pinch Hit: drafted, edited, and submitted!

  • Ageplay!Fic: lightly edited what I had already written and wrote another scene.

  • Dralbus Gift Fic: edited what I had, finished the draft, and went through final edits and posted! You can read it here!

Next Week's Goals
  • Ageplay!Fic: write two scenes.
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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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