FIC: Domestic Bliss (Pansy/Rose, Mature)

Apr 20, 2020 07:11

Title: Domestic Bliss
Pairing: Pansy/Rose
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~1,700
Content/Warnings: established relationship, service kink, D/s dynamics, sugar momma/sugar baby, implied sexual content
Summary: Rose hadn't expected Pansy to turn out to be the love of her life, but she's certainly not complaining.
Notes: Written for the
hpfemslash-minifest March/April 2020 theme(s) Marriage Law, Domestic Bliss, Remembrall

Thanks to the lovely
keyflight790 for giving this a once-over!

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no repost, my fanfic, kink: d/s dynamics, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, pairing type: femslash, established relationship, fest: hpfemslash-minifest, pairing: pansy/rose, kink: service!kink, rating: r

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