HP Goldenage Fic: For Old Time's Sake (Albus/James/Teddy, Explicit)

Mar 20, 2020 08:01

Reveals are up for this year's Salt & Pepper fest over at
hp_goldenage so it's time for me to claim my contribution! To absolutely nobody's surprise, mine with the smutty Albus/James/Teddy threesome fic, LOL.

Title: For Old Time's Sake
Pairings: James Sirius/Teddy, Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy, mention of Albus/OCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~6,000
Content/Warning(s): established James/Teddy, aromantic Albus, past sexual relationship, monogamish relationship, threesomes, spit-roasting, blow jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, bottom James, endearments, casual sex, talk of double penetration, talk of past injury & illness
Summary: Hey, remember when we used to…? How about once more, for old time's sake?
Author's Note: This prompt immediately jumped out at me and I knew I had to write it! Thank you so much to the prompter for the inspiring scenario, I hope I hit the sexy/hot/awesome tone you were looking for. :D Additional thanks to my brilliant beta,
nerdherderette, for their helpful feedback, and to the mods for continuing to run this wonderful fest!

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

pairing: james sirius/teddy, pairing: albus/james/teddy, pairing type: slash, fest: hp_goldenage, fandom: harry potter, established relationship, kink: incest, rating: nc-17, pairing type: next gen, kink: spitroasting, kink: fingering

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