March DD Fic: Does Not Cease to Be Wrong (Neville/Rose, Explicit)

Mar 09, 2020 08:29

Just posted this month's offering over at

Title: Does Not Cease to Be Wrong
Pairings: Neville Longbottom/Rose Granger-Weasley, background Neville/Hannah, implied Hannah/Rosmerta
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~2,500
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Celebrations: Graduation Party
Warnings/Content: Infidelity, age difference, semi-public!sex, wall!sex, vaginal sex, partially clothed sex
Summary: Things are different, now that Rose is no longer his student.
Author's Notes: It's been awhile since I've written some het, and I've only ever written drabbles for this pairing, so I figured why not? Thanks so much to
writcraft for the beta!

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no repost, my fanfic, kink: public!sex, kink: partially clothed sex, pairing: neville/rose, pairing type: cross gen, kink: wall!sex, rating: nc-17, comm: daily_deviant, pairing type: het, kink: infidelity

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