Wednesday Words

Jan 08, 2020 14:02

Another pretty sad WC week, but I'm not all that surprised. I also accomplished the two ~big~ goals I had for the week writing-wise, so I'm content with it. I am hoping (and planning) for next week to be more robust, as I'd love to claim and finish the first draft of a fic for
hpkinkfest! BTW, PROMPTING is still open until January 10, so go leave all your filthy, kinky prompts!

Weekly Word Count (1/1 - 1/7) = 765

What I Worked On:

  • hp_goldenage: sent to & got back from beta, went through final edits, and submitted!

  • daily_deviant Kinky Kristmas: claimed, wrote, edited and posted my fourth (and likely final) fill! You can read it here!

Next Week's Goals

  • hpkinkfest: claim a prompt, outline, and get writing!
  • Drarry Gift!Fic: maybe get some words down on this one? But kinkfest is the real priority.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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