Snowflake Challenge Day 1 & 2

Jan 03, 2020 11:57

Challenge #1: In your own space, introduce yourself!

*waves hello*

I'm Grace! You can find me:




I'm a multi-fandom, multi-shipper, but my first and primary fandom is Harry Potter, and my OTP is definitely Drarry! I've been active in fandom for over 7 years, lurking for a bit longer. I first started out as a reccer, which is still something I very much enjoy doing. You can find a bunch of my rec lists across a broad variety of fandoms here!

In addition to reccing, I'm also a (fairly prolific) writer! All of my fics can be found on my AO3, linked above! I mostly write in the HP fandom (though I've been known to dabble in others!) and I write a lot of Draco/Harry fic, though I also post quite a lot of rare pairs. Mostly slash, though, and mostly explicit. :D

I've also done my share of modding throughout the years, specifically for
hp_nextgen_fest, &
hd_erised! I've also modded
harrydracobang which so far has only run once, though we might be bringing it back for 2021.

Challenge #2: In your own space, talk about your fannish history.

If you want to read my long winding post about my fannish origin story, you can find it here (post is f-locked). It's not a complete history, really just how I got started, but I think it does the job and I posted it 6 months ago, so it's still pretty relevant. :D

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

personal, challenge: snowflake challenge

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