FIC: Midnight Kiss (Ginny/Pansy, Mature)

Dec 31, 2019 08:44

Happy New Year's Eve! Here, have some femslash! <3

Title: Midnight Kiss
Pairing(s): Ginny/Pansy
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~2,200
Content/Notes: implied sexual content, casual sex, hate!sex, Quidditch Player Ginny, Reporter Pansy, Galas, semi-public!sex
Summary: They've been playing this game for years, but Ginny has a feeling the rules are starting to change.
Author's Notes: Here I am, finally writing some Ginny/Pansy femslash! :D

Written for the
hpfemslash-minifest December 2019/January 2020 themes: Ball & Games!

Thanks to the lovely
lq_traintracks for giving this a once-over!

Read on AO3

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

pairing: ginny/pansy, no repost, my fanfic, profession: quidditch, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: femslash, fest: hpfemslash-minifest, trope: holiday!fic, rating: r

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