Wednesday Words

Dec 18, 2019 08:14

Pretty solid week! Lower WC than the past several check-ins, but that's because my output has been ridiculously high for awhile as I finished up advent!fic. But now that I'm officially done, I can relax a bit heading into the new year, thank GOODNESS.

Weekly Word Count (12/11 - 12/17) = 7,010

What I Worked On:

  • slythindor100 Advent!Fic: I'm finished with the fic!! Went through beta edits and did a final read-through of all remaining chapters before drafting to AO3. All that is left is to actually finish posting! The fic is already posting, and you can read the first 18 chapters here!

  • hp_goldenage: wrote first draft!

  • daily_deviant Kinky Kristmas: claimed, wrote, edited and posted my first fill! You can read it here!
  • December/January
    hpfemslash-minifest: found, sent to, and got back from beta, went through beta edits, did final read-through, and prepared for posting at the end of the month!

Next Week's Goals

  • slythindor100 Advent!Fic: continue to post the daily chapters! :D

  • hp_goldenage: edit the initial draft, and possibly find a beta

  • daily_deviant Kinky Kristmas: claim, write, & post second fill!

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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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