Wednesday Words

Oct 30, 2019 08:22

Pretty pleased with my words this week! Not a crazy massive amount, but I basically got through everything I wanted to finish in terms of writing commitments, which is awesome!

Weekly Word Count (10/23 - 10/29) = 3,481

What I Worked On:
  • January
    daily_deviant: drafted and went through initial edits!

  • hp_nextgen_fest: got back from beta, went through final edits, and submitted!

  • October/November
    hpfemslash-minifest: finished first draft & initial edits, sent to & got back from beta, and prepared for posting!
  • Drarry gift!fic: refined and solidifed my outline

  • slythindor100 Advent!Fic: no words, but I signed up to do my first ever Advent!Fic, and I started jotting down several potential ideas and have been marinating on possibilities so I can hit the ground running when the pictures are sent out!

Next Week's Goals
  • Drarry gift!fic: start drafting

  • slythindor100 Advent!Fic: links to the early bird pictures should be out in the next week, so I'd like to at least decide on a concept and start outlining.
  • January
    daily_deviant: find a beta!

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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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