Wednesday Words

Jul 17, 2019 09:06

Not quite as productive as my past few weeks, but last week was basically pure, stressful hell, so I'm happy I even got as much writing done as I did, to be honest. Fingers crossed that this week goes better--it should, but I've also got a friend coming to stay for a week in a few days, so we'll see how that affects my writing.

Weekly Word Count (7/10 - 7/16) = 3,590

What I Worked On:

Next Week's Goals
  • June/July
    hpfemslash-minifest: hopefully I'll get this back from beta this next week and can work through beta edits!
  • Potential
    hp_daddyfest: finish drafting current scene.

  • bbtp_challenge: start drafting! My plan is to start on this after I finish with the above DF scene, so hopefully I'll at least get started on it this next week.

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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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