Some Drabbles!

Mar 11, 2019 09:48

Today is the last day of
daily_deviant's Drabble/Drawble days, so you should absolutely head on over and perhaps consider playing along! I've been struggling a bit with writing lately, and writing a drabble a day over the past week or so has been a really helpful exercise and it's prevented a couple of zero-word days, which is always nice! I've already mentioned my first two drabbles, and I'll go ahead and link my final four below! As always, I did a mix of het, slash, & femslash, and I through in a threesome as well for good measure! :D

Private Party; Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy, NC-17

Cupcakes; Cho/Susan, R

Do Not Disturb; Hermione/Ron, PG-13

Round One; Charlie/Harry, NC-17

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This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

promote, pairing: albus/james/teddy, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, fest: daily_deviant banging birthday, pairing: charlie/harry, pairing: hermione/ron, pairing type: cross gen, pairing type: femslash, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, comm: daily_deviant, pairing type: het, rating: r, pairing: cho/susan, drabble

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