Kinkfest Fic: You've Got Me Pegged (Harry/Ginny, Explicit)

Feb 24, 2019 10:27

hpkinkfest started posting today which means it's time to share the little ficlet I wrote! I wanted to write something different from my usual, and this is the prompt that kept calling to me. I've never written this kink before, and I actually haven't ever written a fic that explicitly focuses on this pairing as the primary either, so I think this fits the bill!

Title: You've Got Me Pegged
Prompt: OS1 by
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~3,200
Kink Showcased: Pegging
Warnings: established relationship, first times, massage!fic, anal fingering, anal sex, pegging, Quidditch Player Ginny, Auror Harry
Summary: If Harry wants a go at Ginny's arse, he's going to have to let her have a go at his.

Author's Notes: I've been wanting to write this pairing with this kink for awhile now, so all the thanks to the lovely prompter for giving me an excuse to do so, and to the mods for hosting this wonderful fest! Additional thanks to the fabulous
firethesound for the awesome beta! ♥ Finally sincere apologies for the title-I couldn't help myself.

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no repost, my fanfic, kink: pegging, profession: quidditch, fandom: harry potter, established relationship, rating: nc-17, fest: hp_kinkfest, profession: law enforcement, pairing: harry/ginny, kink: massage!fic, kink: fingering, pairing type: het, kink: first time

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