FIC: One Day (You Will Be Mine) (Lavender/Parvati, General)

Jan 22, 2019 08:59

I've been really enjoying writing femslash recently (can you tell?) and the
hpfemslash-minifest on Tumblr has been a great excuse to write a little something ever month. I do find writing femslash to be a very different experience compared to writing slash, so I've enjoyed having a chance to build those muscles, so to speak. :D

Title: One Day (You Will Be Mine)
Pairing: Lavender/Parvati
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: ~2,150
Content/Warnings: Hogwarts 7th year, wartime, pre-femslash, best friends, bed sharing (well hammock sharing, but same difference), pining, cuddling, light angst
Summary: When things get dark outside, and the truth of wartime sets in, the Room of Requirement delivers what is needed. Unless you’re a love-sick Parvati, in which case the room might just decide to torture you a little more.
Notes: Title is from the song "One Day" by Melody Gardot. Fun fact: I wrote this fic with beds, and then went back and reread the bit from Deathly Hallows describing the room to add in some details and realised they didn't have beds, they had hammocks! *facepalm* So now you get hammock sharing instead!

Thanks so much to capitu for continuing to be the best ever, to unicornsandphoenix for the beta and enthusiastic flailing, and to ellegray for her feedback and for essentially writing my summary for me! ♥

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era: hogwarts, no repost, my fanfic, pairing: lavender/parvati, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: femslash, fest: hpfemslash-minifest, trope: shared bed, rating: g

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