January DD Fic: Consequences (James/Sirius, NC-17)

Jan 09, 2019 08:30

I always love the January
daily_deviant themes, because it's a second chance to come back to any of the themes you didn't get to use in the previous year! Since it's been ages since I've written this pairing, and I've not yet written them for a regular DD posting, I figured it was their turn at the plate! I hope you enjoy!

Title: Consequences
Characters/Pairings: Sirius/James, implied future James/Lily
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Frottage & (kind of) lighting: using lighting to set the mood or being aroused by a particular type, color, or intensity of lighting
Other Warnings/Content: underage (they're both around 17 here), outdoor sex, frottage, angst, friends with benefits type situation, ambiguous ending (fitting with canon)
Word Count: ~1,600
Summary/Description: Sirius knows James won't ever be able to give him everything that he wants. That doesn't stop him from taking what's on offer.
Author's Notes: Vaguely set in my Someone Like You 'verse, but it can absolutely be read as a standalone. Thanks to
capitu &
evandar for all their help with this one. :D

Read on AO3

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kink: underage, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: marauders, trope: friends with benefits, pairing: james/sirius, kink: frottage, rating: nc-17, trope: ambiguous/open ending, comm: daily_deviant

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