H/D Erised Fic Claim: Please, Please, Please (Let Me Get What I Want) (Explicit)

Jan 07, 2019 10:20

Reveals just went up over at
hd-erised so I can claim the little ficlet I wrote for it! This was my first time writing for the fest, and it was essentially a pinch hit gift for a pinch hitter, the lovely
magpie_fngrl! I know most people try and write epics for the fest, but I wanted to do something short and smutty to break up the long!fic. I don't know if I'll ever participate in the fest as a regular participant, but it was fun to get to play along at least a little bit this year. Thanks to everybody who left such lovely comments! ♥

Title: Please, Please, Please (Let Me Get What I Want)
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, background Hermione/Ron
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~4,350
Warnings/Content/Enticements: Passing mention of struggles with internalised homophobia, casual drinking, (newly) established relationship, awkward dinners, hand holding, brief club!fic, first times, loss of virginity, virgin!Draco, frottage, light dirty talk, PWP
Summary: Draco might not be experienced, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he wants.
Author's Notes: Happy H/D Erised, Magpie! Pinch hitters are the best (and so are you!) so I was really pleased to have an opportunity to write you a little something this year. I tried to fit in several of your likes in this PWP, so I hope you enjoy! ♥

All my love to
fantasyfiend09, &
writcraft for their invaluable input! Title is a song by the Smiths.

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fest: hd_erised, no repost, my fanfic, trope: club!fic, established relationship, kink: frottage, rating: nc-17, kink: dirty talk, pairing: draco/harry, kink: first time

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