Wednesday Words

Dec 12, 2018 08:14

Not a bad week fam! I'm honestly really happy with my writing progress in December so far! If I maintain this pace, I'm actually on track to hit my (ambitious) WC goal! We'll see how that shakes out, as the second half of the month is when the friend and family obligations really begin! I'm also, as expected, running low on projects to work on to actually hit that WC goal. I do have a longer fic I was planning to start in the new year, and have been dragging my feet about beginning it earlier, but that's probably going to be necessary... To be determined...

Weekly Word Count (12/5 - 12/11) = 7,468

What I Worked On:
  • femslash gift!fic - edited several sections for a total of 6/12 sections edited. Slower going on the editing because I'm trying to get that word count and editing doens't tend to yield many words for the same amount of time spent. *sigh*
  • drarry gift!fic - went through final edits! This one is essentially ready to post in January. Want to wait until after the holiday madness as there's massive amounts of Drarry posting ATM.

  • hpfemslash-minifest - got back from alpha & beta, went through final edits, and posted here

  • hpdarkarts My Bloody Valentine - drafted and edited! Wasn't on the docket until January but I had the time/inspiration and was able to knock it out!
  • February
    daily_deviant - wrote & edited first draft! Was able to get through this one pretty quickly, and I always feel better when I'm able to work ahead a bit with DD and don't have to stress about running out of time.

  • daily_deviant Kinky Kristmas Comment Kink - edited and posted my first fill, here, drafted & posted my second fill, here, and drafted a third fill that needs editing.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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