Wednesday Words

Nov 28, 2018 08:19

Not a bad show of things! I mentioned last week that I was a bit stuck on a particular scene in my fic, and it seems like working on something else for a bit really helped lubricate the old brain wheels! I came back to my fic raring to go and managed to get down a good chunk of words, even with modding responsibilities + Thanksgiving + running my first 5k + betaing several fics. So yeah, I'm happy with it, and I'm hoping to squeeze out a few more words in the last little bit of November.

Weekly Word Count (11/21 - 11/27) = 6,351

What I Worked On:

  • hp_goldenage - read through draft and did initial round of edits.
  • femslash gift!fic - wrote 2 full scenes and two half scenes for a total of 11.5/12 scenes drafted. I am...much closer to finishing this one than I expected! I know I said my goal was to finish my November, but I honestly did not expect to get this close to making that happen! We've still got a couple more days left in the month, so who knows....maybe it's possible...

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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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