Wednesday Words

Nov 07, 2018 13:46

So...I've been hella productive this past week. I got words down every single day, and made some great progress on a number of fics, including writing 3 ficlets start to finish. For the moment, at least, I'm feeling in the zone! Which is great, because Erised submissions are officially due in five days, and I imagine I'll have my hands full helping get things proofed for the rest of the month, which will definitely cut into my writing time!

Weekly Word Count (10/31 - 11/6) = 11,510

What I Worked On:
  • Drarry PWP - drafted and edited first draft. Passed along to alpha & beta.
  • January
    daily_deviant - drafted and edited first draft. As predicted, this one was super short and I was able to knock it out quickly, which is always nice!
  • November
    hpfemslash-minifest - drafted, edited, beta'd and posted here! This was an unplanned ficlet, but November's trope is Unusual Careers, and I was inspired to bust out a quick little something based on a headcanon I've had for years. :)
  • Drarry Buffy!Fic - drafted two of the three scenes. My hope is to finish with the first draft of this one over the next week, though I do think it'll need some heavy edits after that.
  • femslash gift!fic - drafted another section, putting me at 6/12 sections drafted.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

writing round-up, personal: writing, fandom: harry potter

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