FIC: What He Wants (James Sirius/Teddy, NC-17)

Sep 01, 2018 22:47

Despite August being a crazy busy month for me, I couldn't*not* participate in BBTP! Check out my offering for this year's fest below! I'm actually out of town right now, but I'm super excited to catch up on everybody else's creations when I get back!

Title: What He Wants
Pairing:James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, mention of past James/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5,400
Content/Warnings: Quidditch Player James, Interior Designer Teddy, pansexual!Teddy, gay!James, club!fic, wall!sex, anal fingering, anal sex, dirty talk, partially clothed sex
Summary: Teddy has a tendency to dazzle, and James is far from immune to his charms.
capitu &
Notes: I started this earlier in the year as a birthday gift for the lovely
shiftylinguini, but my Jeddy feels were all wonky at the time and every word was like pulling teeth, so it was sadly put aside. Thankfully, my writing muse has been marginally less fickle lately, and since I'd already had a decent start on this fic, I thought
bbtp_challenge would be the perfect opportunity to try and dust this one off and finish it off. It's been half an age since I've written this pairing, so I hope y'all enjoy! <3

What He Wants

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

pairing: james sirius/teddy, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, trope: club!fic, kink: partially clothed sex, bottom!james, fandom: harry potter, kink: wall!sex, fest: bbtp, pairing type: next gen, kink: anal sex

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