Wednesday Words

Aug 15, 2018 17:58

This week's WC is predictably low, as it was entirely spent doing final edits/read-throughs, which rarely generate a significant amount of wordage. But I finished with the bulk of that today, so now I really need to kick it into gear with my hd-fan-fair fic, as it's due in a month... O_O Of course, it doesn't help that we have about 970k worth of fic in the proofing queue for HDBB, so a lot of my fandom time is going to be dedicated to that for the next few weeks. Eh, well, I knew August would be a busy one!

Weekly Word Count (8/8 - 8/14) = 1,672

What I Worked On:
  1. August
    daily_deviant - did the final read through on this one and it's ready for posting at the end of the month
  2. September
    daily_deviant - edited the first draft + sent to beta

  3. harrydracobang - edited the newly-added epilogue and got through all but the last two chapters of the final read-through before I submit O_O

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writing round-up, personal: writing, fandom: harry potter

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