Post-Hogwarts Draco/Harry Recs: 50,000-100,000 Words

Jun 13, 2018 08:55

All my Post-Hogwarts Drarry recs between 50,000-100,000 words.

In the Warnings section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "first time" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

CLICK HERE to get back to the rest of my Post-Hogwarts H/D recs.

♥ = favorite

updated January 10, 2020

50,000-100,000/ Words

Title: Chocolate and Pastry
Pairings: Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~50,000
Content/Warnings: fake/pretend relationship, light D/s dynamics, rimming, PTSD & discussion of mental health issues, bottom!draco, implied switching, wall!sex,
harrydracobang 2018
Summary: When Pansy bets Draco that there is no chance he and Harry could carry out a genuine romantic relationship, he and Harry form a plan. But as their fake relationship progresses, Draco sees a side of Harry he never expected. Harry is struggling with something, pushing it far down inside him where he doesn't have to acknowledge its existence. Draco starts to worry, and then he starts to care, and then... horribly... he starts to fall in love.
Oh, this was such a wonderful read! It felt like a very fresh take on the fake/pretend relationship trope, and both Draco and Harry were beautifully rendered here. I really loved how big of a role mental health plays here, and the emotional journey both Draco and Harry go on to get to a healthier place. Watching their relationship unfold was such a treat, and Draco in particular stole my heart. Highly recommend!

♥ Title: Ragnarok
Pairings: Harry/Draco, implied Ron/Hermione
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 51,911
Content/Warnings: discussion of suicide, arguably Dark versions of both characters, bottom!harry, politician!draco, powerful!harry, powerful!draco
Summary: Draco Malfoy, at thirty, is the youngest member of the Wizengamot. He thinks he has achieved the highest political power of which he's capable-until he learns the secret of Ragnarok, the elite corps of wizards who deal with "unsolvable" problems for the Wizengamot.
I was surprised at just how much I liked this, but I loved seeing not only a powerful Harry, but a powerful Draco as well. And even though they get a bit "dark lord" it is somehow quite believable; almost reasonable. Plus who doesn't love crazy, room destroying sex?

Title: The Incredible Race
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 52,325
Content/Warnings: auror!harry, auror!draco, auror!fic, first time, bottom!draco,
hd_fan_fair's travel fair 2010
Summary: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, Aurors, are forced to join a televised global race in order to provide some free positive publicity for the Ministry, despite the fact that Aurors Potter and Malfoy don't exactly get along.
Such a fun story. Interesting concept, and I loved the little interludes of Ron, Hermione and the gang watching the episodes and reacting to everything.

Title: Take the Air
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 52,810
Content/Warnings: auror!fic, auror!harry, auror!draco, hd-holidays 2011
Summary: Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the worst, most anti-social, rude, and annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry. Or perhaps he is only that way around Harry…
Wonderful fic with a believable pacing and build-up and the perfect balance of relationship development and auror plot. I loved seeing Draco slowly gain acceptance among his fellow aurors and watching Harry fall for Draco was lovely.

Title: Against All Odds
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, mention of past Draco/OMC, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 53,838
Warnings/Content: professor!draco, language!kink, switching, bottom!draco, bottom!harry, *my prompt,
hd_fan_fair's pottermore fair 2015
Summary: Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present. Meanwhile, Draco is stuck in his office, putting together the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe during, when he should be enjoying summer holidays.
Really wonderful fic with Draco as Quidditch instructor at Beauxbatons, organizing a Quidditch camp. And, of course, Harry comes along to enroll Teddy and gets roped into helping out and then ~feelings~ happen. I love the sense of atmosphere here - the various places in France were lovely, as was the use of French throughout. The connection between Draco and Harry was wonderful, and I really enjoyed how adult and mature they both were. Fabulous, sexy read with an extremely satisfying ending.

Title: Like the Call of the Prophets
cylsus &
Pairings: Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~54,000
Content/Warnings: cursed!harry, mild dub-con, D/s dynamics, dom!draco, sub!harry, praise!kink, face-fucking, rimming, bottom!harry, poc!draco (half korean),
harrydracobang 2018
Summary: After the final battle, Harry breaks the Elder Wand and a curse is placed upon him. The curse remains dormant until years later when Harry accidentally touches and Elder Tree. Harry has been slowly changing into something out of a nightmare, and the shadow that has been stalking him is growing impatient. Harry's running out of time, and the only person left that can help him is Draco Malfoy.
This fic is such a gripping, fascinating read! The tone is a bit darker, what with Harry being cursed and both him and Draco racing against the clock to save him, but the way it unfolds will keep you on the edge of your seat. Fabulous characterizations and a wonderful build between Harry and Draco that feels quite natural and in-character. Plus, some searingly hot sex scenes that work so well with the story. Loved it!

Title: The Darkness Before the Dawn
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~55,600
Warnings/Content: auror!fic, auror!harry, bottom!draco,
hd_fan_fair's pet fair 2016
Summary: A mysterious creature is loose in London, stalking and killing people. Auror Harry Potter requests the help of a Liaison from the Beast Division and gets saddled with Draco Malfoy. Will they be able to stop the creature before it claims more lives?
Awesome case!fic! A savage beast is loose in London and it's up to Auror Potter and Beast Division Liason Malfoy to find and stop it. I loved the relationship between Draco and Harry here, the antagonism that turns into a wary trust. The characterizations are great and I really enjoyed watching their growing feelings against the fascinating backdrop of the case plot. Really engaging read!

♥ Title: When It Alteration Finds
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Word Count: 56,000
Content/Warnings: baker!harry, author!draco, bottom!draco,
hd_fan_fair's career fair 2012
Summary: After the war, Harry left most of the Wizarding world behind and built a new life for himself in the Channel Islands. He wanted a nice, quiet job where he could make people happy and listen to their stories. He opened a bakery and is happy with his life. Draco is a fiction author who writes under a penname, and he's currently suffering from writer's block. His agent suggests he try writing in a new environment and rents a cottage in the Channel Islands for him for the summer.
This fic was really fantastic. Not realizing their true identities allows them a chance to really build a realistic foundation for the relationship. The careers they chose for themselves are so believable, and the sexual tension is great. Plus the wanking scene, so hot!

♥ Title: The Vanishing Department Series (2 Fics)
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 56,791 total
Content/Warnings: rimming, intergluteal sex, unusual jobs, light bondage, light dub-con,
hd_erised fest 2014, face-fucking, dirty talk, implied bottom!draco
Summary: The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, even if that involves a lot more form-filling, bickering, covert glancing, miscommunication, and flying furniture than we might expect.
OMG THIS FIC! It's just the greatest thing ever. First off, the Vanishing Department is the coolest, cleverest thing and the entire concept is really wonderfully fleshed out. Draco and Harry's voices are just perfection here and JFC the chemistry (and sex!) was so insanely hot. The whole thing just flew by. And then we get an awesome porny outtake with feeeeels!

Title: Antediluvia
Pairing: Harry/Draco, background Pansy/Ron, Padma/Hermione, Narcissa/OMC, Lee/OMC, past Hermione/Ron & Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~56,800
Content/Warnings: unusual jobs, professor!Draco, potionsmaster!Draco,
hd_erised 2016
Summary: Everyone always forgets about the Merpeople. So did Harry until the day his, Lee’s, and Hermione’s Portkeys land at Reagan National Airport’s Arrivals dais. He’s just had to leave a job he loves and pack his entire life-literally-into his luggage. Then Malfoy and his subplots arrive, and suddenly, saving the world again, one Mermaid at a time, sounds like the perfect excuse to do something he’s always wanted.
This fic is just so wonderful and clever and a little raw considering the current political climate, but that's part of what makes it so great. It's mostly set in present-day Washington D.C. and the politics that they're dealing with in Britain and the USA in both the Magical and Non-Magical communities is wonderful captured and portrayed. Very clever and engaging plot, brilliant characterizations and side-relationships, and a lovely development of Draco and Harry's relationship with some smut and pining and minor mistakes and a lovely resolution. This fic made for a wonderfully satisfying read, and if you're looking for something smart, witty, and politically relevant, I highly recommend!

Title: I could be wrong, I could be ready
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, background, Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Luna, Hannah/Nebille, mention of past Harry/OMCs, Draco/OMCs, Draco/Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: ~57,400
Content/Warnings: (kind of) curse-breaker Draco, implied switching, teacher Harry,
hd-erised 2018
Summary: Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings-including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings-he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy.
Featuring pureblood wizarding traditions, ancestral magic, open mic nights, marriage equality, a diner in Brooklyn, and the return of Fleamont Potter.
OH, this fic was just wonderful! The Harry here mostly "dealt" with his war trauma by running away, and when he comes back to England, he slowly starts to realise how much the world and people he's left behind have changed. Draco here was AMAZING, as were all of the characters, really, and the whole fic was smart and sharp and captivating. Gorgeous build, ALL the feels, and a wonderful ending.

Title: Stately Homes of Wiltshire
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione, mention of past Harry/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~57,594
Content/Warnings: auror!harry, bottom!Harry, poc!harry
Summary: Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
OH, this fic was just marvelous! The writing was wonderful, and the characterizations and relationships here were seriously fantastic. I loved all the interactions, and watching Draco and Harry dance around each other was charming. Just the right amount of plot and mystery to keep things moving along, and a really lovely connection between Harry and Draco. Clever, wonderfully written, a fantastic use of magic, and brilliant characterizations--what more could you ask for?

Title: The Destiny You Sold
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Luna/Dudley, Ron/Hermione, Millicent/Goyle, other minor mentions
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~59,000
Content/Warnings: unusual jobs, bottom!Harry, light D/s, light bondage, light dub con, accidental bonding!fic, shared bed, shower!sex, intergluteal sex, outdoor!sex, semi-public!sex,
hd_erised 2015
Summary: In which Draco knits, Harry makes wands, and things get very tangled up between them.
Such a fun and mega-hot fic! Love me some accidental bonding, and the dynamic here between Harry and Draco was fantastically hot. Beautiful development of feelings, and an awesome ending. :)

Title: All Must Draw Near
Pairings: Draco/Harry, Ron/Hermione
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 61,080 in total
Content/Warnings: holiday!fic
Summary: Harry doesn't have time for rumours; he has a shop to run. Which is just as well, really.
This was a great fic with oblivious!Harry living and working with Draco, realizing he is in love with him and coming to terms with what that means and how that will affect their relationship. The characters in this are all so wonderful and I especially love Draco and the lovely OC Nisha.

♥ Title: Little Compton Street (One Rainy Night in Soho)
Pairings: Harry/Draco, mention of Draco/OMC, past Harry/Ginny, and past Harry/OMCs, implied past Sirius/James
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~62,000
Content/Warnings: auror!harry, D/s dynamics, bottom!draco, bottom!harry switching, rimming, post-sex fingering, dirty talk, phone!sex,
harrydracobang 2018
Summary: Draco is lonely, Harry hates the press and it won’t stop raining in London. Harry discovers a magical street that’s close to disappearing forever and Draco realises he’s one rainy night in Soho away from finding everything he’s been searching for.
Y'all, this fic is SO GOOD! Which, no surprise coming from Writ, but I seriously adored every minute of this fic. Harry and Draco were both beautifully characterized here, and the sense of queer history and queer community in this fic gave me ALL the feels. Electric connection between H/D, some seriously hot sex, and a wonderfully hopeful and inspiring ending. Reading this is the perfect way to spend a rainy (or even a not-so-rainy) day! There's also a James/Sirius prequel fic that is GORGEOUS and I highly recommend reading as well!

Title: For The Greater Good
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~62,500
Content/Warnings: Bonding!Fic, Forced Proximity, bottom!draco, hd-erised 2017
Summary: When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they begin to uncover.
They learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.
Oooo, such a good fic! I'm always a sucker for a good bonding!fic and the mystery of it all combined with the lovely relationship development made for a delightful read!

Title: Sweet Creature
banana-ge-ge​ &
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Ginny/Luna, past Ginny/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~63,000
Content/Warnings: unusual jobs, farmer!Harry, animal death, animal cruelty,
harrydracobang 2018
Summary: Harry loves his home in the countryside, loves his sheep, his dogs, even his horrible chickens. He doesn't need Draco Malfoy screwing it all up. Author’s Notes: I can't believe I've been working on this for over a year and a half! Shout out to all of the people who have beta-ed, whether in full or in bits and pieces, including Hannah, Rachel, Susan, Marie, Kate, and Ray. You're all amazing! And thanks to my long-suffering wife, who hates Drarry, but let me talk at her about my writing anyway.
This was a SERIOUSLY lovely read. The tone here is quite gentle, but the story doesn't feel overly soft, and the characters feel very true. All of the characters are really fantastically captured, and I just adored all of the relationships, both the one Harry and Draco form with one another, and the ones they have with their friends and family. Fabulous fic!

*NEW: 1/10/2020*
♥ Title: The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, brief Harry/Ginny, background Hermione/Ron, Ginny/Millicent
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~63,000
Content/Warnings: Homophobia, Angst, Brief Suicidal Thoughts, Auror!Harry, First Times, mild infidelity, rimming, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!draco,
hd_erised​ 2019
Summary: Harry is content. He has brilliant friends and his job as Head Auror keeps him busy. When Draco Malfoy is arrested for gross indecency, Harry’s comfortable life begins to unravel. He’s forced to decide if it’s worth risking everything for love in a world where following his heart is a criminal offence.
This fic is SO fucking good! Don't let the tags scare you--there's some heavy content here, but it's handled with such a deft, brilliant hand, and even through the darkness there's such joy and hope. The characters here, background included, were so beautifully captured, and I just loved all the relationships. The build between Harry and Draco was truly wonderful, and holy cow, was the smut SMOKING hot. A seriously beautiful read, with a wonderfully satisfying ending.

Title: Leopardspaw
Pairing: Eventual Harry/Draco, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 66,391
Content/Warnings: auror!harry, potionsmaster!draco, bottom!harry
Summary: The Ministry is very sorry that its latest mistake-an artifact that was supposed to let Aurors detect lies-blew up on Harry, and now he can detect lies every time someone tells one. (Inquiries are continuing). The Ministry is also sorry that they can't tell Harry how long the effect would last. (Unspeakables are working around the clock). And the Ministry would probably be two times sorrier if they knew that Draco Malfoy has hired Harry to find his father, who's escaped from Azkaban. (The Chosen One should be able to have a full and normal life).
An interesting premise and a laid-back, direct Harry. A lot of fun, plus a surprise guest!

Title: We Are Young (I'll Carry You Home Tonight)
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Draco/Astoria, Harry/Anthony Goldstein, Harry/Ginny, background relationships
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 68,826
Content/Warnings: friends with benefits, switching, bottom!draco, bottom!Harry, rimming, first person POV, hd-holidays 2011
Summary: Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister's office, they can't work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn't it?
Oh goodness, this was brilliant! The wizarding politics here were so freaking cool and well done and really created such a brilliant backdrop for the fic. Draco and Harry's chemistry was beyond fantastic, and the push and pull of their relationship, how their feelings grow without them really acknowledging what that means, oh, it was so good! The sex was fantastic, and I honestly just a LOT of feels throughout the whole thing. Some really brilliant side characters, and a wonderful sense of atmosphere made this fic feel incredibly real. Some heartache along the way, but a brilliant ending makes it all worth it. <3

Title: Tea and No Sympathy
Pairing: Harry/Draco, mention of Harry/Justin, past Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~70,000
Content/Warnings: time travel,
hd_erised fest 2014
Summary: It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
Fabulous read that does a marvelous job with the time travel/Groundhog Day type trope. Draco is gorgeously characterized here, and watching him grow as a person and seeing him slowly fall in love with Harry is captivating. Funny and sweet and sexy as hell.

Title: Unhook the Stars
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, mention of past Draco/OMC, Draco/Astoria, Harry/OMC, Harry/Ginny, background Hermione/Ron, Pansy/Blaise
Rating: NC-17 overall
Word Count: 70,582
Content/Warnings: BDSM, professional dom!draco, sex work,sub!harry, switching, bottom!draco, mostly bottom!Harry, auror!harry, bondage, rough sex, D/s, blindfolds, belting, rimming, snowballing, dirty talk, mirror!sex, aftercare, orgasm delay/denial, sex toys, gags, hp_sexstars 2012
Summary: "Love is like a Rubix Cube: there are countless wrong twists and turns, but once you get it right, it's perfect no matter how you look at it." Seventy-thousand words of pornographic discourse between two boys-turned-men that still haven't learned how to communicate like normal people - with words. Guest appearances by Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Teddy Lupin, Gregory Goyle, the Weird Sisters, ex-wives, several Weasleys, a Boggart, and a Honey Badger.
Oh GOD, this fic was wonderful! Dom!Draco was all kinds of fantastic, and I seriously loved the dynamic between him and Harry. Harry was just a gorgeous and full of fire as ever, and the characterizations for the both of them were really amazing. Some seriously kinky, dirty sex with all kinds of BDSM goodness, if that's your thing. And woven through the filthy sex was a really lovely development of Harry and Draco's relationship. Pleasantly (and surprisingly) not too much angst, and a just all around very satisfying fic.

Title: Headlights in the Snow
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~72,000
Content/Warnings: au: fred lives, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!draco, holiday!fic
Summary: What’s big and purple and smells like tea? Harry is about to find out.
Such a wonderful fic with Draco driving the Knight Bus and Harry being extremely intrigued. There is an adorable Biddy club, some fantastic side characters and relationship, and a lovely build between Harry and Draco. Fun and sweet read!

Title: Heartlines
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~72,000
Content/Warnings: forced bonding!fic, forced proximity, shared bed, first time, intercrural sex, bottom!harry, implied future switching, Auror training partners, hd-erised 2017
Summary: Harry never expected he’d end up chipping away at his virginity while wandless and bonded to Malfoy in Northern Europe.
He never expected that would turn out to be the least surprising thing to happen while out on their training expedition in the middle of nowhere, either.
Really excellent fic! Not only is it wonderfully written, but it's chock full of all kinds of things I adore. I loved the concept of them being stuck out in the wilderness together and then we get bonding!fic and forced proximity and working together and shared bed and first times and it's just so good!!

Title: The Claiming of Grimmauld Place
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, background Hermione/Ron, Luna/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 74,437
Content/Warnings: intercrural sex, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!draco, hd-erised 2017
Summary: When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home - but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart - and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
Oh gosh, this was just such a delight to read! The concept was super interesting, and I really loved watching Grimmauld Place slowly fall under Harry's command. The idea of house magic was fascinating, and I really enjoyed seeing it all come together as Draco and Harry slowly fall for one another. Lovely.

Title: Stop and Stare
Pairing: Draco/Harry, Hermione/Ron
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:78,314
Warnings/Content: switching, bottom!draco, bottom!harry, holiday!fic
Summary: Harry’s life is full of care, he has no time to stop or stare; he has no time for anyone’s shit, until his friends aren’t having it. A story about the unravelly things.
Such a beautiful fic. Harry and Draco are sort of part-time friends, until Harry is forced to encounter Draco more frequently and actually get to know him. The build is gorgeous and slow and not at all angsty. Just a really lovely, gentle fic with a very satisfying ending.

♥ Title: Teach Me, Life; Guide Me, Love
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Draco/Astoria, Neville/Pansy; mentions of: Ron/Hermione, Greg/Millicent, Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 79,000
Content/Warnings: infidelity, not-good-people!Astoria&Ginny (arguable character bashing), hd_smoochfest 2011, bottom!draco, first time
Summary: Revelations both painful and joyous set the markers in the path of every life. Thankfully, Draco has spectacular company for the journey.
This fic was fantastic and really beautifully written. The evolution of Draco is beautiful and this has probably the most believable redeemed/good Lucius that I've ever read. And the books were wonderful.

Title: If the Fates Allow
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~80,000
Content/Warnings: holiday!fic, switching, bottom!draco, bottom!harry
Summary: What's that crackling in the walls?
Harry has no clue at all.
He'll eat some cake and drink some wine
Because he is completely FINE.
--A story about life's disregard for our plans.
Such a lovely holiday fic with Harry being in a sort of funk in his life (and also completely mad for Draco). Watching them come together and find their happiness was just fabulous. Wonderful read. <3

♥ Title: The Darklist
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Harry/OMC
Original Work Name: The Blacklist
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 87,481
Content/Warnings: auror!harry, criminal!draco, first time, character death (not H/D), bottom!draco, implied switching, hd_smoochfest 2014
Summary: When Draco Malfoy, wanted criminal, strolled into the Ministry to give himself up, he seemed destined for Azkaban, until he offered to hand over information to avert an upcoming crime. Of course, he refused to divulge that knowledge to anyone but Harry Potter.
This fic, it's just fantastic. A truly wonderful Draco, funny and witty and unapologetically criminal. His interactions with everybody are awesome, but especially his friendships with Pansy, and Blaise, and even Goyle (love what the author did with this character!). The tension and chemistry and relationship development between Draco and Harry is perfection and when they finally come together it's just lovely. Harry does start out the fic in a relationship with an OMC who, but it's not explicit (not even off screen!).

Title: In Pieces
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 87,946
Content/Warnings: death!fic, ghost!draco, professor!harry, bottom!draco, hd_smoochfest 2011
Summary: Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost.
As a rule, I tend not to read death fics, because they just make me too damn depressed. I need my boys alive and together! But despite the obvious angst in the fic, it also manages to be funny and sweet. And I love Ron in this, his interactions with Harry an Draco are wonderful.

Title: A Private Reason for This
Pairing: Harry/Draco, past Draco/Astoria, mention of Draco/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~92,000
Content/Warnings: light BDSM, voyeurism, flogging, bottom!harry, auror!fic, auror!harry, auror!draco,
hd_erised fest 2014
Summary: When the wife of a star politician in the Scottish Ministry turns up dead just outside Hogsmeade, Draco Malfoy and his murder investigation team are called in from the Edinburgh Auror force to find her killer. What DCI Malfoy doesn't expect, however, is to have an ex from two decades past end up in his murder room, cocking up not only his case, but also his heart.
Just wow, this fic is amazing. This read like the best kind of murder mystery book, I didn't even feel like I was reading fanfiction. Draco especially was so fabulous and real and had such depth, I felt like every line was peeling back another layer, showing us another angle of this complex man. The team he created around himself was so beautiful and I thought it was super cool how the POV jumped around, showing us different perspectives. The plot! It was interesting and engaging and I didn't feel like it was overpowering the H/D romance angle, but really pushing it along. And then the sex! Which was really fucking hot. This fic is all kinds of fantastic.

Title: I Am Not Who I Became
Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, brief Draco/OMC, background Ron/Hermione, Pansy/OMC, Greg/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 93,190
Warnings/Content: unusual jobs, mild suicide ideation, depression, outdoor!sex, table!sex,semi-public!sex, rough sex, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!draco, face-fucking,
hd_fan_fair 2019
Summary: Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography. An invitation to the Hogwarts class of 1998's 15th reunion isn't welcomed by either of them, but neither could predict how the night, and their reunion, will upend their lives.
I'll admit I was a bit skeptical going into this one given the unusual-ness of Draco's career, but the author sold me on it and then some!! Draco and Harry are both so wonderfully, richy characterized here, and I loved them both so much, both individually and as a pairing that fit so beautifully together. The settings and characters are gorgeously captured, and the build between Harry and Draco is the stuff feels are made of. And the sex!! The sex just about killed me dead! Really captivating read that just FLEW by.

Title: Season of the Spirit
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione, Ginny/OMC, mention of past Harry/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~95,000
Content/Warnings: unusual jobs, holiday!fic, case!fic, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!draco, shower!sex
Summary: It starts with a swan. What happens after that is a bit of a mystery.
Reading along with Sara's advent fics is one of my favorite holiday traditions and this one was just as delightful as I could hope. It's got a lovely Mr Borteg, Harry and Draco dancing around each other, a surly swan, gorgeous side-characters, a Christmas mystery, and ALL the lovely feels. Warm and funny and charming and sexy, this fic was a serious delight!

Title: Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead)
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, background, Pansy/Padma, Ginny/OFC, Blaise/OMC, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Hannah, Angelina/George/Lee, Millicent/OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~96,000
Content/Warnings: asexual!Harry, some internalised acephobia, Post-Coital Dysphoria,
harrydracobang 2018
Summary: Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Features: Little League Quidditch, an abundance of bath bombs, happy endings, and gay robots in space.
I so enjoyed this fic! I don't generally read longer fics that aren't explicit, but this one immediately drew me in, and I found myself quite captivated by the world the author created. The handling of mental health issues and sexual identity here were really excellent, and I really enjoyed how very queer this fic felt. The importance of queer community was very present and important, and honestly the fic was really lovely, with some truly stunning art!

*NEW: 1/4/2020*
Title: Light up the Night
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco, background pairings
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 98,098
Content/Warnings: EWE, unusual jobs, holiday!fic, switching, bottom!draco, bottom!harry
Summary: This year, despite his better judgement, Harry’s love life is going off with a bang.
Classic feel-good Sara's Girl advent!fic, with Harry having a super interesting and unusual job, an unexpected pet, wonderful winter holiday details, and a lovely friends to lovers build between Draco and Harry.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

trope: unusual jobs, au: fred lives, era: epilogue compliant, kink: sex toys, auror!draco, auror!harry, fest: hd_fan_fair's travel fair, kink: tattoo!kink, profession: potionsmaster, trope: friends with benefits, profession: actors and models, kink: blindfolds, pairing: draco/harry, fest: hd_level_two, kink: dub-con, kink: gags, trope: forced proximity, masterlist, kink: shower!sex, trope: dark!fic, trope: epistolary!fic, pov: first person, kink: bathroom!sex, kink: bdsm, trope: major character death, kink: mirror!sex, kink: orgasm delay, profession: unspeakable, kink: whipping/strapping/flogging, kink: rimming, kink: public!sex, kink: dream!sex, kink: office!sex, fandom: harry potter, kink: desk!sex, kink: bondage, profession: law enforcement, fest: hd_fan_fair's pet fair, kink: language!kink, kink: aftercare, kink: d/s dynamics, au: hogwarts, switching, *my prompt, trope: holiday!fic, profession: criminal, trope: time travel, fest: hd_smoochfest, trope: auror!fic, trope: character bashing, kink: spitroasting, trope: shared bed, trope: powerful!harry, fest: hd_erised, kink: snowballing, trope: bonding!fic, kink: dirty talk, au: snape lives, kink: face-fucking, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, kink: outdoor!sex, profession: teachers and professors, profession: bodyguard, trope: disability!fic, pairing type: slash, cursed!harry, profession: baker, era: post-hogwarts, fest: hd_fan_fair's pottermore fair, fest: hd_holidays, fest: hp_sexstars, profession: sex work, profession: medical, kink: cross-dressing, creature: ghost, fest: hd_fan_fair's career fair, kink: voyeurism, rec: fic, trope: identity porn, kink: rough sex, profession: authors and writers, profession: politician, kink: intercrural sex, trope: kid!fic, kink: darkmark!kink, kink: first time, profession: lawyer

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