Merlin RPF Recs

May 10, 2018 09:03

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♥ = favorite

updated February 16, 2015

Bradley James/Colin Morgan

Title: Something More Than What We Are
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 2,418
Content/Warnings: bottom!colin, friends with benefits
Summary: Colin wants something more than what he and Bradley have.
Oh god, this fic is wonderful. Achey and so fucking hot and just beautifully written.

Title: Open (Filthy Reverence)
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,641
Content/Warnings: bottom!colin, sex toys, talk of gags, role play, established relationship
Summary: "I'm going to put it in now," Bradley says.
JFC just unbelievably hot.

Title: Come Crashing In
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,974
Content/Warnings: bottom!colin, D/s, implied bondage
Summary: The first scene they shoot together has Bradley trapping Colin's arm behind his back, bending him over.
So fucking hot and I adored the D/s aspects.

Title: The Colour Of Cartoon Sunshine
Author: junkshop-disco
Pairing: Bradley/Colin, brief mention of past Colin/OMCs and Bradley/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~35,000
Content/Warnings: bottom!colin, first time, merlin rpf big bang
Summary: As filming for the second series draws to a close, Colin thinks his biggest problem is evading one of Bradley’s goodbye hugs. It isn’t. It’s that he’s about to do something that’s fourteen different kinds of stupid: fall in love.
Okay, this is the greatest thing ever. So freaking sweet and real and hilarious. The banter here was so amazing, the sex was crazy hot, and the connection between Bradley and Colin was amazing.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

kink: role play, kink: sex toys, pairing type: slash, bottom!colin, pairing: bradley/colin, rec: fic, fest: merlinbb_rpf, trope: friends with benefits, established relationship, fandom: merlin, kink: first time

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