Spartacus Fic Recs

May 03, 2018 09:00

I think I mentioned earlier that I've gotten into Spartacus recently. I am basically in love with Agron and Nasir, who are a canon gay couple in the last two seasons. They are awesome and adorable and I naturally had to find fic!

In the Warnings section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "established relationship" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated: December 9, 2015


Title: jealous agron
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,084
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied bottom!nasir
Summary: “I did not care for Caius’ hands placed upon you.”
Short and sexy fic with some wonderful jealous Agron.

Title: Seven Times Nasir and Agron Failed at Goat Farming, and Seven Times They Didn’t
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,400
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied bottom!nasir
Summary: As it turns out, goats are hard work and entirely too fond of violent home invasion. 14 goat farm drabbles.
I really need all of the goat-farmer-Nagron fics in my life. This one was brilliant, and I adored all of the snapshots of Nasir and Agron's life after the war (with their goats).

Title: I Will Keep You Warm
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,571
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir, semi-public!sex
Summary: As the storm progresses, Agron and Nasir find a way to keep warm.
Short, sexy little fic.

Title: Shameless Smut
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,750
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir
Summary: Thank the gods for Mira.
Lovely little coda following up on the scene where Mira dismisses them from watching Illythia, so they can continue getting it on.

Title: Raise Your Weapon
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,183
Content/Warnings: established relationship
Summary: Some time after Nasir's near-fatal injury, Agron challenges the Syrian to show that he's ready to take up the gladius again. The two clash swords but in the end it's two clashing bodies that determine whether strength has returned.
Super hot little fic with Agron and Nasir getting it on in the heat of training. :D

Title: Therapeutic Fucking
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,214
Content/Warnings: established relationship, rough sex, bottom!nasir
Summary: Agron takes his anger and hurt out on Nasir. The Syrian heals all wounds.
Super hot fic with some fabulous rough sex.

♥ Title: Do Not Wake
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,519
Content/Warnings: established relationship, intergluteal sex, somnophilia, dirty talk, bottom!nasir, post-sex fingering *for me
Summary: It’s late at night and Agron is fucking tired. Nasir is hard to resist, though, even when he’s fast asleep.
Super fabulous somnophilia fic that manages to be dead sexy, and funny, and romantic, and perfectly in character all at once!

Title: We Are Free Men
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,821
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir
Summary: Agron regales Nasir with stories of his days in the arena, and they talk of what it would have been like, had Nasir been in the stands, audience to the gladiator's fights. The very idea of watching from afar drives Nasir into Agron's nearby embrace.
Sexy fic with Nasir and Agron fantasizing about what it might have been like for Nasir to watch Agron in the arena.

Title: slow, hot, and erotic
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,401
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir
Summary: A day of rest is best spent in the arms of someone else.
Love this one! So sexy and sweet, with Agron and Nasir fucking the morning away.

Title: Shut Up And Take A Fucking Bath
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,633
Content/Warnings: established relationship, intercrural sex, massage!fic, dirty talk, bbtp 2015
Summary: Agron has no appreciation for the comforts of a well-appointed bath. Luckily, Nasir is happy to educate. (Such an altruist, that Nasir.)
Nasir teaches Agron about the pleasures of Roman baths and good god is it delicious! Super hot, and I loved both of their voices here.

Title: nasir wearing agron's coat
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,871
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied switching, bottom!agron
Summary: Agron finds himself most distracted.
Wonderful and super sexy fic with Agron feeling quite possessively pleased at the sight of Nasir in his clothing.

♥ Title: Revelationes In Tangendo
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,568
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir, rimming, bbtp 2015
Summary: It still feels odd to choose. To be not only allowed but expected to shape his own purpose every day, in little things and large. Who to fight for. Who to break words or take meals with. Who to fuck.
Gorgeous take on the "missing scene" from Season 2 when Mira interrupts. Super hot, and a really fantastic take on Nasir. Just lovely.

Title: Weather the Storm
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,186
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied switching, semi-public!sex
Summary: In which Agron and Nasir deal with the snow storm in absolutely the only medically approved way one should ever deal with life-threatening cold. (Also, there’s angsty musings about Castus. If that turns you off, I cannot help you, because Castus is divine and I want a threesome more than I’ve ever wanted a pony, so there.)
Really gorgeous stolen moment between Agron and Nasir during the storm in Mors Indecepta. They both felt beautifully in-character, and Nasir's thoughts on Castus were particularly realistic, if a bit heartache-y.

Title: Domesticity
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,296
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied switching, bottom!nasir
Summary: A glimpse into the life of Agron and Nasir ten years after the war against Rome.
Aww, such a lovely sexy post-series fic.

Title: But Spirits From the Other Side of Styx
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,718
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir
Summary: Something moves inside Nasir, in very centre of his being. It angers him and he would squash it beneath heel if only he could. For it smells too much like fear, tastes too much like obedience, feels too much like defeated acceptance. Reminds too much of past wasted away under fair Roman name.
Lovely fic that has Nasir dealing with some of his potentially painful memories of his past as a slave. Also, Agron and Nasir being adorable and hot, hot sex.

Title: The Solace of Day Break
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,111
Content/Warnings: bottom!nasir
Summary: Nasir worries for Agron's safety and wonders at the meaning of a certain kiss.
Great fic that takes place mid season two after that first kiss and shows the possible evolution of their relationship following Agron's return. Sexy and sweet.

Title: Our Days of Blood and Sunset
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,130
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!nasir, disability!fic (sort of)
Summary: Nasir knows he should not be angry at someone he’d thought lost forever, someone he loves this much who has been hurt this badly; but he can’t help it, either.
Really beautifully written fic that deals with Nasir's understandably complex feelings about Agron's unexpected return from the dead. It all felt so realistic and believable, and it was really wonderful watching both Nasir and Agron deal with the aftermath of Agron's decision, and seeing them work their way back together.

♥ Title: Like the Sound of the Sun
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 13,841
Content/Warnings: AU, bottom!nasir, public!sex, rape/non-con elements
Summary: Agron doesn't want to fuck this boy for Roman amusement. He wants to sit and look into those eyes and speak with him, ask his name and how long he's been in the house of Batiatus and if he likes what he sees when he looks at Agron.
Really wonderful fic that brings Nasir into the first season and explore the relationship that could have developed back then between him and Agron. Wonderfully written and just a great read.

Title: So we both get stuck (and we both get free)
Pairing: Agron/Nasir, background Crixis/Naevia, Spartacus/Mira, Barca/Pietros, Gannicus/Saxa
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,787
Content/Warnings: AU: Modern, AU: High School, bottom!nasir
Summary: His first day at his new school, and Nasir’s free from the paperwork-filled nightmare of the front office for all of ten minutes when he gets himself into a fight.
So a gorgeous, sexy, happy fic! Loved the High School AU, and definitely no angst in this one! :)

Title: Permanent Things Series (3 Fics)
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20,439 total
Content/Warnings: AU: Modern, AU: Duro Lives, tattoos, switching, bottom!nasir, bottom!agron, artist!nasir
Summary: Nasir is getting a tattoo to celebrate finally daring to quit his job and support himself fully on his art. But when he shows up at the shop, there's more than ink that gets under his skin.
I am such a sucker for tattoo!fics, and this one was fabulous and super sexy!

Title: Swallow Me Whole (Spit Me Out In Pieces)
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 23,032
Content/Warnings: AU: Duro Lives, established relationship, bottom!nasir
Summary: A jealous and angry Nasir must deal with his feelings when a new recruit sets their sights upon having Agron as their own.
I really like the bit of role reversal here with Nasir being the jealous one. Lovely characterization and fabulous sex.

*NEW: 12/9*
Title: Of Magic and Monsters Series (8 Fics)
Pairing: Agron/Nasir, background Pietros/OMC, Auctus/Duro, Crixus/Naevia, Mira/Spartacus, implied Pietros/Barca, past Agron/Duro, mention of past Agron/OCs and Nasir/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 185,148 total
Content/Warnings: AU: Fairy Tale & Fantasy, creature!fic, magic!nasir, werewolf!agron, arranged marriage, rough sex, bottom!nasir, MPREG, dream!sex, mention of past sibling incest
Summary: Nasir is given to Agron through an arranged marriage as payment for safe passage through Agron's kingdom. Cultures and magical powers clash as the two try to adjust to their life and Agron's father pressure to create a new heir.
Really fabulous and fascinating AU! I love the idea of magical Nasir and werewolf Agron and the characterizations and development of their relationship is wonderful. The series is ongoing and while each fic wraps up nicely, there are definitely loose threads to be wrapped up in future fics. (Also, a note about the past Agron/Duro, because that's not generally my thing, but it's all non-explicit and in the past. It does play a part in the story, but this is very much a Nasir/Agron fic.)


♥ Title: Desperate Games
Pairing: Barca/Peitros
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,770
Content/Warnings: bottom!barca, implied switching, bbtp 2015
Summary: In a life that requires deception to survive, Pietros is ever bent on truth, and Barca fears every day it might mark their undoing.
Seriously gorgeous writing and an amazingly characterized Barca. Sexy and sweet.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

pairing: agron/nasir, trope: disability!fic, pairing type: slash, kink: public!sex, pairing: barca/pietros, creature: werewolf, fandom: spartacus, profession: artists and photographers, kink: incest, fest: bbtp, trope: forced or arranged marriage, rec: fic, switching, kink: mpreg, kink: intercrural sex, au: modern, au: high school, established relationship, bottom!barca, massage!fic, au: fairy tale & fantasy

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