Smallville Fic Recs

Apr 25, 2018 10:35

I was obsessed with Smallville when I was in High School. Tom Welling was just so dreamy and I think Smallville was probably the first TV show I religiously followed. I own the entire series on DVD and re-watching them made me a bit desperate for some Clark/Lex fic. And, of course, I discover that the fandom used to be pretty huge back in the day and while I am super happy I have all this lovely fic to read, I'm kind of bummed I missed out on joining in while the show was still airing. I would have been all about that fandom. Anyway, here are some of my favorite reads.

In the Notes section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "underage" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated May 23, 2018


Title: List
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,509
Content/Notes: underage, dirty talk, talk of bottom!clark
Summary: Lex finds a list that Clark has been working on.
Dirty talk FTW! Love the idea of Clark printing off a list of kinks he's interesting in!

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Surrender
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,602
Content/Notes: post-rift, kryptonite!sex, bottom!clark, dub-con
Summary: The rift ends in porn.
Seriously freaking hot post-rift fic!

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Long Term Effects (locked on AO3)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,861
Content/Notes: dub-con, bottom!clark, outsider POV, rimming, voyeurism
Summary: Kink Prompt: Clex - Public displays of affection, claiming in public and Animalistic behaviors and characteristics, dominant (growling; sniffing; biting; other claiming acts; territoriality; predatory stalking; cuffing; forcing the partner's neck down)
Super sexy fic with Clark and Lex being reduced to more animalistic urges, and, of course, the fighting ends in fucking...

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Driving and Other Lessons
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,898
Content/Notes: underage, car!sex
Summary: Lex thinks it’s only right to give Clark the benefit of his greater experience.
Fabulously sexy!

Title: Six AM
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,372
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!clark, underage, shower!sex
Summary: Boys in showers.
Super hot shower!sex. Loved the more playful tone of this one.

Title: Let It Snow
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 2,571
Content/Warnings: car!sex, implied bottom!lex
Summary: Not a holiday story. Just two guys trapped in a car in the snow. Cliche fic all the way.
Great "cuddling for warmth" fic. :D

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Long Way Around
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, past Clark/Lois
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,576
Content/Notes: underage, bottom!clark, established relationship
Summary: In which Clark is a minx and Lex probably doesn't actually mind all that much.
Sexy and fun and a fabulous dynamic.

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Outside In (locked on AO3)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,734
Content/Notes: underage, established relationship, outsider!POV, dirty talk, voyeurism
Summary: In which there is a sofa and two boys.
Seriously smoking fic with Chloe stumbling upon Clark and Lex in an *ahem* intimate situation and being unable to tear herself away from the sight.

Title: The Sound of Icicles Falling
Author: thamiris
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,739
Content/Warnings: holiday!fic
Summary: Clark introduces Lex to a Smallville Christmas tradition. Virgin sacrifice never looked so good.
Lovely sexy fic with a fun and almost magical quality. Loved it.

Title: Barnyard Fun
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,867
Content/Notes: established relationship, sex toys, dirty talk, barn!sex, bottom!clark
Summary: Lex watches Clark working around the barn. All is not as innocent as it seems.
This one killed me with the hotness!

Title: Better
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,135
Content/Notes: underage, talk of bottom!clark
Summary: Post-Jitters, Clark makes a delivery.
Hot and just a bit melancholy.

Title: Free Blowjobs from Superman
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,218
Content/Notes: president!lex, post-rift, future!fic
Summary: "What the hell is that, anyway? 'Truth, justice, and the American way'? I'll bet it just means he blows the President every night." A newly-elected President Luthor certainly hopes so...
Funny and hot with all those inescapable feelings that accompany post-rift fics.

Title: The Declaration
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, past Clark/Lana, past Clark/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,531
Content/Notes: bottom!clark
Summary: Clark is trying to tell Lex something. Lex thinks he’s asking for a favor.
Funny with a perfectly awkward Clark and awesome Lana! :D

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Air
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,639
Content/Notes: outdoor!sex
Summary: "It wasn't so much that he wanted to know as that he wanted Clark to tell him."
UNF! Super hot fic! Loved how they came together here.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Hands-On Experience
Author: Hope Roy
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,739
Content/Notes: underage, established relationship, desk!sex, office!sex, bottom!clark, semi-public!sex
Summary: Clark's class takes another field trip to the Luthor Corp plant. Lex helps him make the most of the experience.
Seriously super hot!

Title: Five Very Good Reasons Not to Date Luthors
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,835
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: There are solid reasons.
Funny and sexy and sweet!

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Self-Defense
Rush &
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,898
Content/Notes: underage
Summary: Clark needs boxing lessons like Lex needs a week at Wharton Business School.
Lovely, sexy fic. The connection between them here was gorgeous.

Title: Siren Song
Author: rushlight75
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,126
Content/Notes: underage, face-fucking
Summary: Clark and Lex explore the nature of innocence,
Jesus this was crazy hot and exactly how I love them. Innocent Clark (but not totally naive) and morally grey Lex who genuinely cares about Clark, but still wants to fuck his mouth.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: A Picture of Home (locked on AO3)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,209
Summary: Lex visits Clark in his first apartment. A mouse joins the celebration.
Lovely fic!

Title: Deep Throat
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,223
Content/Notes: underage, dirty talk, talk of bottom!clark
Summary: Clark has it all worked out. Really.
God, loved the dirty talk in this one and Clark practicing his awkward seduction techniques!

Title: The Laugh of the Stars
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,238
Content/Notes: underage
Summary: Clark's searching for meaning.
Gorgeous writing and super sexy. Clark's thoughts and his feelings about Lex are just so fantastic in this.

Title: Driving with Crocodile Shoes
Author: thamiris
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,343
Content/Notes: underage, road head, car!sex
Summary: A naked, schmoop-angsty explanation of why Clark was late for school in "Redux". Some lines of dialogue are lifted directly from the episode.
The writing in this is gorgeous as usual and road head will always be hot.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Hail to the Chief (locked on AO3)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,344
Content/Notes: good!lex, president!lex
Summary: Saving President Luthor is a full-time job.
Lovely fic with Clark and Lex coming back together after Lex has become president.

Title: Total Immersion
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,710
Summary: Clark learns a new tongue.
God loved all the sexy French talking and seducing!

Title: Twist The Sinews
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,866
Content/Notes: underage, talk of bottom!clark
Summary: In which Lex Luthor finally cracks, and deflowers his favourite farmboy.
Super hot PWP with a underage Clark all worried about his super strength.

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Rings and Sores
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,156
Content/Notes: future!fic, established relationship
Summary: There's more than one way.
Lovely future fic with Lex and Clark having been together since Jonathan's death. Loved their relationship here.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Break
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,239
Content/Notes: desk!sex, bottom!clark, character death, post-rift
Summary: Deserving a break, deserving *to* break -- is there a difference?
Beautifully written fic with Clark and Lex coming together after Jonathan's death. Fantastic characterizations and the tone here was perfect.

Title: Lessons in History: The Tribulations of Alexander
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, past Clark/Lana, past Clark/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,369
Content/Notes: AU, teacher/student relationship, teacher!lex, underage
Summary: Smallville High has a new teacher.
AU where instead of exiling Lex to Smallville, Lionel essentially disinherits him, and Lex is forced to take a job teaching. Where he meets sweet and sexy Clark Kent and they have a fabulously inappropriate good time! (locked on AO3, you need an acct to view)

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Silk
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,901
Content/Notes: underage, established relationship
Summary: Clark's having a very personal problem.
Crazy hot fic with Clark and Lex wearing one another's boxers for the day and finding it *quite* distracting.

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Holds So Lightly
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,923
Content/Notes: underage
Summary: In which Clark picks up the concept of mortality and Lex picks up Clark. Sort of.
Lovely fic that takes place after the Earl debacle with Clark realizing just how close Lex came to dying.

Title: Freud
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,993
Content/Notes: underage
Summary: Clark is figuring some things out.
Lovely, sexy little fic with Clark trying to learn how to fly, and sort of outing his powers to Lex in the process.

♥ Title: Revenge
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,377
Content/Notes: bottom!clark, president!lex, post-rift, mind altering substance: kryptonite
Summary: Revenge is sweet.
Funny and sexy and wonderfully written. Lot of characters from the comic verse in this one and takes place when Lex is president.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Karma Demands
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,518
Content/Notes: underage
Summary: That was the funny thing about action movies. They always showed the big, climactic crash scene, but never the part after.
Loved the dynamic and characterizations in this one!

*NEW: 5/11*
♥ Title: Adamantine
Author: Hope Roy
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, past Clark/Lois
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,596
Content/Notes: character death, bottom!clark, collars, D/s dynamics, kryptonite!sex, sort of established relationship
Summary: Clark is coming home.
Oh, this fic was gorgeous and feelsy and a bit dark (just a bit!). I loved the inevitability of Clark and Lex here, and their dynamic was fantastic.

Title: Sweat
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,642
Content/Notes: underage, light D/s, dirty talk, talk of bottom!clark, gym!sex
Summary: Lex is working out. Clark asks too many questions.
So hot with a more dominant Lex and a Clark who is just desperate for it.

Title: Of Sun, War, and Cicadas
Author: thamiris
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,128
Content/Warnings: first time, switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex, rimming
Summary: Clark helps Lex to trust the sun.
I loved the idea of Clark really coming above in the summer under the sun and it's written basically here. Sexy with a dreamy, summery atmosphere.

Title: Sparks
seperis &
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, mention of past Lex/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,574
Content/Notes: drunk!sex
Summary: Clark has bunk beds and he still has no idea what to make of that.
Fun fic with Lex taking Clark to a strip club. Clark definitely like the girls there, but he likes Lex more. :D

Title: The Rules of Blue
Author: thamiris
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,614
Content/Notes: rimming, implied switching, bottom!clark
Summary: Of boys and rules, heroes and bombs.
Hot and surprisingly humorous an very believable.

Title: Turn You On Somehow
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Clark/Lex/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,936
Content/Notes: underage, threesome, m/m/f, het, bottom!clark, first time
Summary: These things just happen.
Normally not really into threesome fics, but jesus this was just too hot to pass up. Plus, Clark losing pretty much every kind of virginity and his thought processes were just too perfect.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Passionate Productions
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,341
Content/Notes: AU: Alternate First Meeting, blindfolds, D/s dynamics, sex toys, light bondage
Summary: What's a boy like Clark to do when he needs money for college?
Seriously hot AU with Clark as a sort of in-person camboy and Lex talking him through all kinds of sexy times.

Title: Ice
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 8,346
Content/Notes: underage, first time, forced proximity, barn!sex
Summary: In which Lex almost dies, Clark almost saves him, and there is almost (but not quite) too much schmoop.
Super sweet and sexy fic with and adorable Clark and a fabulously characterized Lex.

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Dealing With the Unexpected
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, background Lois/OMC
Rating: R
Word Count: 8,759
Content/Notes: MPREG, implied bottom!clark
Summary: Being knocked up by Lex Luthor is awesome.
Super fun and funny fic with an adorably pregnant Clark.

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Marked
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: R
Word Count: 9,077
Content/Notes: collars, makeup, marking, shaving!kink, established relationship, implied bottom!clark
Summary: Boys in bathrooms.
Super hot fic with a glorious dynamic between Lex and Clark.

Title: Eggplant
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,114
Content/Notes: switching, underage, first time
Summary: to the place where your horses run free
Lovely writing and wonderful characterizations. Plus, hot sex.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Kids' Game (locked on AO3)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,825
Content/Notes: first time, party games, rough sex, bottom!clark, underage
Summary: Games people play.
Nothing like a game of Truth or Dare to ramp up the tension between these two! Wonderful characterizations and blisteringly hot.

*NEW: 5/23*
Title: Twenty-One (Locked on AO3)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,194
Content/Warnings: underage
Summary: In which Clark geeks out, and Lex has good intentions.
Really wonderfully written fic with a Lex who's been in denial about his feelings for Clark until Clark makes a move. I really adored this take on Lex here.

Title: Easy Tonight
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex,
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,616
Content/Notes: first time, bottom!clark, underage
Summary: In which there is nakedness and things happen. Eventually.
Fun and sweet and sexy and so believably them.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Wonderland Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: R
Word Count: 11,618
Content/Notes: dirty talk, club!fic, semi-public!sex, underage
Summary: “Clark had the feeling that somewhere between dinner and the bedroom he’d accidentally fallen down some kind of pornographic rabbit-hole. He wasn’t sure he wanted to climb out.”
Really fabulous fics! Loved the twist at the end and the whole thing was just a delight.

Title: Closer Duo Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12,968
Content/Notes: underage, mind altering substance: alcohol
Summary: Christmas parties at Luthor Manor. Boys sharing thoughts with brandy. And other things.
Sweet fic with some great drunk conversing between Lex and Clark!

Title: Boxed
Author: thamiris
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,669
Content/Notes: bondage, first time, underage, bottom!clark, dirty talk, rimming
Summary: In this retelling of Metamorphosis, Clark works out his feelings for Lex.
Gorgeously written and crazy hot. With a Clark who can't stop thinking about Lex and being tied up, and Lex who's perfect in his sexiness and moral ambiguity.

♥ Title: Demarcation
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 16,645
Content/Notes: AU, bottom!clark, good!lex
Summary: and i try / to draw the line / but it ends up running down the middle of me / most of the time
This was seriously so good. Future!fic where Lex isn't really evil, he and Clark just grew apart and then Superman encounters Lex and there is crazy chemistry and unbelievably hot sex and a really wonderful ending.

Title: Ulterior Motives
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 18,924
Content/Notes: implied switching, post-rift
Summary: Everybody wants to rule the world.
Wonderful and believable story about how their relationship might come about and work, even after everything they've been through.

Title: Damascenes Series (3 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,650 total
Content/Notes: post-rift, future!fic, past relationship, light D/s, rimming, bottom!clark, dark!fic, dark!clark
Summary: Clark used to believe.
Really interesting future!fic series that starts off after Clark and Lex broke up year ago over Lex's questionable morality. Definitely a darker Clark in this one, but I loved how that really strengthened their connection, and the ex was crazy hot.

Title: The Grope of Destiny
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,658
Content/Notes: first time, bonding!fic, dirty talk, shower!sex, rimming, bottom!clark
Summary: Clark had no idea how he was going to explain *this* one.
Super funny and a bit cracky, but the premise is fun and the sex is definitely hot! :D

Title: Unexpected
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,821
Content/Notes: first time, bottom!clark
Summary: Clark questions his importance to his parents. Lex is there for support.
This was lovely. Sweet and super sexy with a really wonderful relationship development between Lex and Clark and so many wonderful teenage angsty moments from Clark.

*NEW: 5/17*
Title: Undertow
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20,015
Content/Notes: underage
Summary: In which Lex finds a conscience, and Clark helps him overcome it.
Wonderful fic that shows how Lex and Clark could have come together early on in their friendship. The characterizations were spot on.

*NEW: 5/11*
♥ Title: Inaureme Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 26,014
Content/Notes: AU: Space, first time, bottom!clark, implied switching, dub-con
Summary: Kal-El comes of age in the traditional way.
Gorgeously written AU with Earth and Krypton having business dealings and Lex getting involved with Kal-El through coming-of-age ritual.

Title: The Project Series (7 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 26,260 total
Content/Notes: underage, rimming, first time, light bondage, switching, bottom!lex, bottom!clark
Summary: Lex does some thinking.
Such a good series with some crazy freaking hot sex and a really wonderful characterization of both Clark and Lex

Title: Apocrypha
Author: thamiris
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Lex/OMC, mention of Clark/Chloe
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 27,937
Content/Warnings: first time, switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex, rimming, underage, light bondage
Summary: In the world after Nicodemus, Lex finds that sometimes you dream of history and sometimes history dreams of you.
Gorgeous fic that takes place in two parts, during high school and then 10 year later. Beautiful writing and really fantastic characterizations of Clark and Lex. Realistic and sexy and a bit heartbreaking in parts with a really wonderful ending.

Title: Sealed with a Kiss
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 28,613
Content/Notes: underage, first time, dirty talk, bottom!clark
Summary: Written for the ClexFest 9th Wave Alien!Clark Challenge: poison breath. Clark's body picks an inopportune time to develop its natural defenses.
Wonderful and believable story about how their relationship might come about and work, even after everything they've been through.

Title: Golden
CJAndre and
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 28,805
Content/Notes: first time, switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex
Summary: Lex smirked at his wishful thinking, but he knew that whatever the situation, he could handle it.
Then, confronted with the sight in front of him, he realized that maybe he couldn't handle it at all.
I thought the "golden touch" was an interesting concept and I really loved how their relationship developed here. Clark was adorable coming to terms with his feelings for Lex and the sex was super hot.

*NEW: 5/11*
Title: Alien Biology Series (3 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, past Clark/Lois
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 28,871
Content/Notes: MPREG, past relationship, bottom!clark, semi-public!sex, post-rift
Summary: Ever wonder about the origins of Clark's loft?
Really fun and sexy series going over some of the *ahem* difference in Clark's alien anatomy. The main fic is the last one which shows how Clark and Lex come back together post-rift.

Title: Teen of Steel, Man of Means and sequel Men of Steel
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 29,758 total
Content/Notes: first time, switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex, good!lex
Summary: An AU of the series set around the events of season 1. A vision of the future shakes Lex's world view and everything changes.
Fun fics with the first one taking place while Clark is still in HS and their relationship and feelings are just forming and developing. And then an awesome sequel 10 years later that lets us get a peak into their lives together. Really interesting AU of how things could have gone down a different path for Lex.

Title: Three Impossible Things
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Clark/Chloe, Lex/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 31,671
Content/Notes: infidelity, good!lex, car!sex, switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex
Summary: Clark changes everything.
Realistic with a really interesting take on how their relationship could have started. Plus really freaking hot switching sex.

♥ Title: Sleep While I Drive
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 38,106
Content/Notes: road trip, first time, rimming, switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex
Summary: A Clexian fairy tale. It's the journey, not the destination.
This fic is just fantastic. Beautifully written with a really wonderful almost surreal tone that sets a perfect backdrop for the changes to their relationship. And seriously some of the hottest sex I've read for this pairing.

♥ Title: Reconcilable Differences Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Clark/Lois, Kon-El/Tim
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 43,334 total
Content/Notes: post-rift, future!fic, infidelity, kid!fic
Summary: Luthor Family Values.
God I seriously loved this fic. I don't normally like kid!fics, but I really liked Kon and his complicated relationship with Clark and Lex. Lex was just fantastic in this, characterized perfectly and the relationship development between him and Clark was awesome.

Title: Superman For Sale
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, mention of past Clark/OMC and Clark/Lois
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 80,830
Content/Notes: post-rift, future!fic, magic, dub-con, bonding!fic, bottom!clark
Summary: Clark goes missing and Lex tries to figure out why. He ends up "buying" Superman from a kidnapper, who had put him under a spell... Things don't go quite as planned.
Really interesting read! Definitely a little mushy in places and not always the most sophisticated, but I really enjoyed the plot, and I loved Clark and Lex's connection.

*NEW: 5/11*
♥ Title: Shadows and Stones Universe: Shadows & Stone: Beginnings, Shadows & Stone: Dark Spaces, Shadows & Stone: Smallville Stories, & Shadows & Stone: The Future is Ours
Pairing(s): Clark/Lex, Bruce/Lex, mention of Lex/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 134,038 overall
Content/Notes: switching, bottom!clark, bottom!lex, underage, arguable infidelity, fake/pretend relationship, semi-public!sex, shared bed, rough sex
Summary: “Clark had the feeling that somewhere between dinner and the bedroom he’d accidentally fallen down some kind of pornographic rabbit-hole. He wasn’t sure he wanted to climb out.”
Oh, this universe is brilliant! Super wonderful read, with Bruce and Lex having gone to boarding school together and forming *quite* the connection. The Smallville series gets quite feelsy and complex, but the characterizations of everybody were wonderful, and the author does a great job showing the complexity of the relationships. There's another series linked as part of the 'verse, but it's a WIP and I haven't read it.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

genre: dark!fic, kink: sex toys, trope: good!lex, fandom: smallville, kink: dub-con, kink: road head, kink: teacher/student relationship, kink: gym!sex, trope: forced proximity, trope: bonding!fic, kink: shower!sex, kink: dirty talk, kink: face-fucking, kink: barn!sex, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, dark!clark, profession: teachers and professors, kink: infidelity, future!fic, kink: underage, pairing type: slash, kink: rimming, kink: car!sex, kink: bondage, pairing: clark/lex, trope: mind-altering substance, profession: president, pairing type: het, rec: fic, kink: d/s dynamics, switching, era: post-rift, kink: drunk!sex, trope: road trips, established relationship, trope: kid!fic, kink: first time

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