Check, Please! Fic Recs

Mar 13, 2018 09:44

Have you discovered Check, Please! on tumblr, yet? Because it's basically the cutest fucking webcomic to ever exist and you should hustle on over there and take a look. I started reading this comic a little over a week ago and quickly sucked down the rabbit hole of awesome. I ship the hell out of Jack and Bitty, and I naturally had to check out the fic situation. My favorites are below!

In the Notes section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "dub-con" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated March 13, 2018


Title: it's so surprisingly easy now
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,057
Content/Warnings: Established relationship, blow job friday 2015
Summary: Jack remembers the time before it was easy.
Super lovely future!fic with a wonderful characterized Jack and a wonderful relationship between Jack and Bitty.

Title: 3 times Bitty baked for the Dallas Stars
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,372
Content/Warnings: Established relationship, long distance relationship
Summary: Jack has everything he's always wanted. Sort of.
Super adorable AU, with a wonderful Jack.

Title: Positive Feedback
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,602
Content/Warnings: Established relationship, praise!kink, bottom!bitty
Summary: Eric’s never had a postgame breakdown of sex before, but he’s not particularly surprised when, before they’ve even caught their breath, Jack says, “Tell me how I can do better.”
Gorgeously hot praise!kink.

Title: blaspheme
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,811
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!!bitty, first time
Summary: It’s not that Bittle doesn’t swear. It’s more that Bits doesn’t swear as much as the rest of them, Jack thinks. Bittle swears for emphasis, carefully picking and choosing when to drop a curse into his sentence, just to pack a little punch in whatever he’s saying.
Super sweet and sexy fic with Jack finding it particularly...arousing when Bitty swears, especially because he does it so rarely. The sex was super hot and it was just a really lovely and sexy snapshot of their relationship.

Title: so just hush
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,609
Content/Warnings: Established relationship, barebacking, first time, bottom!bitty
Summary: It's amazing how Bittle can just take what he wants, when Jack finds it so hard to ask for anything. But there's no doubt now that Bittle wants to have sex - wants to get fucked, wants Jack to fuck him. And Jack, oh, he'd give him anything.
Super sexy fic, with some great characterizations.

Title: quite new a thing
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,676
Content/Warnings: established relationship, panty!kink
Summary: Bitty buys them on a whim.
OMFG this is hot as hell and beautifully written. Love the idea of Bitty wearing sexy panties for Jack, and Jack's reaction as perfection.

Title: Hold Me Close and Surrender
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 2,743
Content/Warnings: established relationship
Summary: They've touched (some) and kissed (lots) and that's all it takes to make them cling, to make Jack's voice shake and Bitty’s heart thunder.
Really sweet and super sexy fic of Jack and Bitty going a little father than kissing for the first time.

Title: my heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,772
Content/Warnings: Established relationship, first time, bottom!bitty
Summary: He can't believe they're finally doing this.
Super hot and sweet fic of Bitty's first time. Lovely relationship between the two of them here.

Title: Three Points
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,055
Content/Warnings: Established relationship, drunk!sex, bottom!bitty
Summary: Settling his grip just above the muted curve of Bitty's hips, Jack squeezes. "Better."
Bitty coughs out a laugh. "Glad you're satisfied."
"Almost satisfied," Jack says. "I still have my shirt and socks on."
"Good," Bitty says, and he leans to press them together, forehead to forehead, chest to chest with only cotton worn thin between them. "I like you like this. It's cute."
Adorably hot drunk!sex, basically.

Title: bold; over the worst of it
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 3,152
Content/Warnings: drunk!sex
Summary: “Spring C,” Jack says, “is full of mystery.”
Super adorable drunk!sex. Loved their interactions here.

Title: surrounded by your embrace
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,200
Content/Warnings: established relationship
Summary: Boys doing things in the basement in July.
Oh this was just lovely! Bitty's voice was awesome here, and the whole thing was super hot. :D

Title: shine for you
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,558
Content/Warnings: established relationship, valentines please! fest 2016
Summary: There are whispers. There have always been whispers. Jack doesn’t hear them, doesn’t care to listen. He goes home to his apartment and climbs into his bed and kisses at Bittle’s shoulder before tucking his knees up behind Bittle’s and exhaling. The sound of Bittle’s soft snoring is better than any noise Deadspin could make.
Really lovely established relationship fic that takes place a few years down the line with Jack thinking about coming out and his future with Bitty.

Title: rake the springtime across your sheets
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,649
Summary: But maybe that is what love is, Eric thinks: You give people the power to spill your secrets to anyone and your guts out on the floor.
Really beautiful fic that shows Eric and Jack's relationship during Jack's senior year. I loved seeing how they could work, how Eric might struggle with the need for secrecy, but how ultimately it doesn't matter if he gets Jack.

Title: flames climb high into the night
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,842
Summary: The actual fireworks aren’t all that special.
Sweet and hot fic that takes place over fourth of July after Jack graduates.

Title: tu ne t'intéresses pas au sexe?
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,543
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied switching
Summary: bitty has shown himself to be uncertain and nervous about sex. but, hey, that doesn't mean he doesn't want it. talking is always helpful.
Really lovely fic with newly established Jack and Bitty figuring out what they like together and Bitty becoming more comfortable with sex.

Title: Driving Me Wild
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,561
Summary: Bittle swings his leg over the seat, his thighs spreading open. Jack swallows. (Or, Jack sees Bitty on a motorcycle and it ignites his pants pretty much on the spot.)
Oh this was so fantastic! Bitty on a motorcycle was amazing, and Jack's reaction were perfect.

Title: Phone, Please!
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,639
Summary: "Bits, you live tweeting this?" Shitty asks.
OMG this is the fucking cutest thing ever! So adorable watching Jack and Bitty come together. :)

Title: figure that the fear to try
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, Lardo/Shitty
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4,893
Summary: The night of Lardo’s exhibit, a handful of things go wrong before any go right.
Great fic showing how Jack and Bitty might come together. I loved how the Lardo/Shitty pining acted as sort of a catalyst for them to try and be happy together.

Title: never could be sweeter than with you
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,024
Content/Warnings: intercrural sex
Summary: Eric came to a halt, finally noticing what was draped over the bare, stripped mattress. He frowned, picking it up. A jacket.
Lovely, gentle fic that had Jack and Bitty coming together after Jack graduated. The pining is lovely, as is the easy acceptance from them both that they are a thing that is happening.

Title: all in, how could i not be
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,289
Content/Warnings: established relationship, dirty talk, intercrural sex
Summary: Jack's gaze is not exactly heavy, but something deep, powerful, focused, like a spotlight. It has weight, as if it nearly has force itself, and it creates sensation in his gut that’s not part of physical reality but is somehow still absolute in its existence. It makes Eric aware of all his vulnerabilities, but he doesn’t feel judged. He feels soothed, caressed. He feels some way he isn’t used to yet, like its suddenly possible for him to feel vulnerable without also feeling afraid.
Aww, this was just so sexy and sweet. Loved how much Jack and Bitty obviously love each other here, and the infrequency of their time together only served to make this stolen moment even hotter!

Title: forget the wax and the feathers
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, past Jack/Parse
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,104
Summary: Bittle scores against Yale and Jack acts like a son of a bitch. They’re not friends.
Really lovely fic with sort of the evolution of Jack. Beautiful characterization and it was great watching him evolve.

Title: walk with you through everything
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: R
Word Count: 6,619
Content/Warnings: established relationship, future!fic, valentines please! fest 2016
Summary: After Jack retires from the NHL, he takes his time to heal, in more ways than one. Bitty is there for him every step of the way.
Really lovely fic that takes place 10 years down the road with Jack getting a career-ending injury. Watching Jack deal with losing hockey was really wonderful, and his relationship with Bitty was too freaking sweet.

Title: now commence to kick each brick apart
Pairing(s): Shitty & Jack, background Bitty/Jack & Shitty/Lardo
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6,753
Summary: “I want to go into the backyard, smoke a joint with you and burn that fucking poster,” Jack says.
Really lovely bit of character study for Jack. The relationship-ness is definitely in the background, but I loved the friendships here.

Title: the last kick of courage
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: R
Word Count: 6,765
Content/Warnings: valentines please! fest 2016
Summary: He has to be better than this.
Really lovely Jack-centric fic that starts after winter break his senior year. Loved Jack's head space here and his connection with Bitty was wonderful.

Title: fragile little flame
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7,044
Content/Warnings: established relationship
Summary: They're happy together, even if "together" is more of an abstract idea than a physical reality most of the time, but he can't help but wish everything wasn't two steps forward, one step back.
Really lovely established relationship fic showing some of the pressures of dating while Jack's still closeted for his career. Surprisingly sweet read.

Title: take the world out for a ride
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,185
Content/Warnings: established relationship, baker!bitty, secret relationship
Summary: The pressure of acting a bit more or a bit less happy in a Providence coffee shop (roughly the most liberal place on God’s green Earth) doesn’t really measure up to the pressure of being in a NHL locker room, or on NHL ice (roughly the least liberal place on God’s green Earth).
It’s just. It’s just, for himself, Bitty had hoped that it was a performance he was done giving. Just to be able to act happy when he’s happy, and sad when he’s sad. That shouldn’t be so much to ask.
Really lovely fic that takes place a few years down the line with Jack and Bitty living together as "roommates" still keeping their relationship a secret because of Jack's hockey career. There was a quiet sort of angst about the keeping secrets, but even more powerful was the love they both had for one another, and their determination to make things work. I loved Bitty and his bakery, and the ending was really great.

Title: A Clerical Error locked on AO3
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,516
Content/Warnings: shared bed
Summary: “There aren’t any twins left,” Lardo’s telling them, stress evident in the corners of her eyes and the tight clench of her jaw. The hotel is cheap and conveniently located, but the payoff for that is terrible management and a logistical nightmare. “Just a double. You’ll have to share.”
Really lovely and sexy fic with Jack and Bitty hooking up on the road during Jack's senior year at Samwell. Super hot sex and some misunderstandings that all get wonderfully resolved in the end.

Title: left the city, my family, my precinct
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 7,663
Content/Warnings: phone sex, sexting
Summary: Bitty uses emojis like a second language, one that Jack's slowly starting to become fluent in.
Oh this fic was hot and super fun! Loved Jack's characterization here, and the evolution of him and Bitty was super interesting (and hot)!

Title: Double Jeopardy
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 7,976
Content/Warnings: drinking games
Summary: "Eric Richard Bittle does not choke on his drink. He is not thinking about Jack’s hands, nor is he thinking about twisting, checking, or any combination of the two. He is just a small southern boy who came to play hockey and mind his own business."
Super cute fic with a really great ensemble cast, and some beautiful mutual pining from Jack and Bitty.

Title: gonna wanna make it move
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8,173
Content/Warnings: fake/pretend relationship, thanksgiving, holiday!fic
Summary: He spends so much time thinking ahead--being careful, holding onto everything so tightly with his shaking hands--that it’s easy to forget that he’s an honest to god dipshit.
Really sweet fic with pretend dating and Jack realizing that maybe he deserves to have Bitty for real.

Title: Goofè Dean
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,585
Content/Warnings: established relationship,bottom!bitty
Summary: Five times Jack and Bitty aren't caught and the one time they make an announcement.
So much fun! I love the caught/almost caught having sex trope, and it was super fun watching Jack and Bitty narrowly avoid being found out. I really like that the team wasn't immediately aware of the relationship too, since I feel like that's a lot more believable that the "everybody knows" trope I see a lot in this fandom. Super sweet and sexy read!

Title: just to see that little smile
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG
Word Count: 8,730
Summary: 5 times Jack surprises Bitty, +1 time Bitty gets him first.
Okay, this is basically the cutest fucking thing ever! Love their relationship here, and the little snapshots of their life over the years was really fun.

♥ Title: don't cool off, i like your warmth
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8,797
Summary: Summer is supposed to feel just like this, Bitty thinks, swim trunks and lemonade and the smooth slide of river rocks in his hand, Jack's fingers curling around the inside of his knee where it tickles, the space between them small and getting smaller.
Oh my goodness this was the sweetest ever! The covers part of the summer after Jack's graduation, and I just adored seeing Jack and Bitty coming together. Really freaking sweet, and some great characterizations.

♥ Title: lovin' you for quite some time
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,182
Content/Warnings: established relationship, first time, bottom!bitty
Summary: The sexual firsts of Jack and Bitty's relationship.
This fic is awesome! The characterizations of Jack and Bitty are perfection, and I adored getting to see their relationship through these sexual snapshots. It's so obvious how much they love and care for one another, and the whole thing was hot as hell and beyond sweet.

♥ Title: Positive Image
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, past Jack/Parse
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,436
Content/Warnings: AU: Alternate First Meeting
Summary: When Bittle first showed up at a meeting with management, sitting next to Sara with wide, scared eyes, Jack didn't think he had a chance in hell. Sara hired new assistants all the time, most of whom barely made it through a season.
Really lovely partial AU. Bitty is sort of a personal assistant (who bakes!), and Jack plays professional hockey, and their characterizations and the way they interact is perfect. They are seriously so freaking cute here.

Title: You Never Said You Wouldn’t So Here I Am
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, Eric/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,656
Content/Warnings: intercrural sex
Summary: Eric just wants to get past this crush, but Jack keeps getting in the way.
Really lovely fic! I loved awkwardly jealous Jack who kept cock-blocking Bitty, and the cameos from the rest of the team were awesome.

Title: The Flag Unfurled
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,305
Content/Warnings: established relationship, first time, bottom!bitty, car!sex
Summary: Jack arrives in Atlanta in the early afternoon on the third of July, and Eric has baked four pies overnight out of sheer nervousness. Nothing can go wrong. Everything is fine.
Really sweet and sexy fic that takes place during Jack's visit to Madison over the fourth of July. This is pretty much my headcanon of what happens, and I loved this seriously hot snapshot. :D

Title: Drop It While It's Hot
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,214
Content/Warnings: outdoor!sex
Summary: As soon as the screen goes dark, Bitty throws himself backwards onto his bed, pulls a pillow over his face, and screams into it. Jack is coming to visit in less than a month! Practically tomorrow! Which is a million years from now!
He's going to need more butter.
Such a sweet fic that takes place the summer after Jack graduates. Beautiful characterizations and the build was fabulous.

♥ Title: Au pays qui te ressemble
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,584
Summary: Jack waits.
Oh this was gorgeous! I can totally see their relationship developing like this after Jack graduates. Lovely slow build, and a really wonderful Jack characterization.

Title: found out
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, past Jack/Parse
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 19,688
Content/Warnings: established relationship, secret relationship
Summary: “Bitty, you have finally rose to the rank of ‘bad roommate who brings people home and has loud sex,’ and we love it. It’s lonely here at the top. And now, you’ve joined us.”
No one notices Jack, at the far end of the table, staring at his bacon.
[A bunch of ways in which everyone finds out.]
Really fun fics! Each chapter is an unrelated ficlet showing the different ways that people may find out about Jack and Bitty. Really clever, and each chapter is a ton of fun. Listed as incomplete because the author is adding ideas as they go, but each chapter stands alone.

♥ Title: Helpless
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, background Lardo/Shitty
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,763
Content/Warnings: shower!sex, rimming, implied switching
Summary: “So we should ask Bits and Lardo to come with us to New York,” Shitty said.
Jack turned to look at him, frowning. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, man. I mean, I know this was supposed to be just you and me, but… We both know those two are gonna be part of our lives after graduation. It’d just be like. Getting a head start on it.”
Oh this is so perfect! Loved all of them going on a trip to New York and finally making their moves. The characterizations were perfect here, and the connection between Bitty and Jack was fantastic. Super fucking hot, and just a really satisfying and believable fic.

♥ Title: Helpless
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, background Lardo/Shitty
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,763
Content/Warnings: shower!sex, rimming, implied switching
Summary: “So we should ask Bits and Lardo to come with us to New York,” Shitty said.
Jack turned to look at him, frowning. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, man. I mean, I know this was supposed to be just you and me, but… We both know those two are gonna be part of our lives after graduation. It’d just be like. Getting a head start on it.”
Oh this is so perfect! Loved all of them going on a trip to New York and finally making their moves. The characterizations were perfect here, and the connection between Bitty and Jack was fantastic. Super fucking hot, and just a really satisfying and believable fic.

♥ Title: All Saints
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, background Dex/Nursey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 21,532
Content/Warnings: shared bed, halloween!fic, holiday!fic
Summary: Halloween; when even the most fractured families come together. Truly, the most wonderful time of the year.
Oh my goodness this is so freaking adorable! Takes place during the beginning of Bitty's senior year, and I just loved the relationships between everybody here. All the characters felt so believable, and the developing relationship between Eric and Jack was especially lovely.

♥ Title: deets
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, past Jack/Parse
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 23,104
Content/Warnings: first time, implied bottom!bitty
Summary: The grainy cellphone photo on the cover of the magazine is of his own back, his red Samwell t-shirt. He's got a forearm braced on the wall, his other hand holding the face of someone small and blond, mostly blocked from view, who has his hands on Jack's chest and a blue hoodie tied around his waist. Emblazoned across the bottom of the cover are the words IS JACK ZIMMERMANN GAY? and it feels like someone just punched him in the stomach. (now with epilogue!)
Really lovely fic that has Bitty and Jack coming together during a party (adorable! sexy!) and then Jack being outed. Interesting scenario, and I really like how it all played out. Great read. [It's listed as part 2 in a series, but the first fic, while super awesome, isn't in the same verse as this one, which is why I'm reccing them separately.]

♥ Title: evidence
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, past Jack/Parse
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 24,405
Content/Warnings: first time, bottom!bitty
Summary: Bitty finds a photo booth strip and almost doesn't recognize Jack because he's not sure he's ever seen him grin off-ice before, and his hair is so long it curls around his ears, and he's so, so young. Someone else is next to him, and it takes Bitty a few long seconds to realize it's Kent Parson, with the same backwards cap and everything.
Super fabulous fic with Bitty and Jack having feelings for each other and dancing awkwardly around each other. Their relationship was just too freaking sweet, and holy jesus was the emotional sex at the end super hot! Some mildly confusing POV switching in places, but nothing too distracting. There is a sequel/alternate ending fic with some Bitty/Parse & Jack/Bitty/Parse, which I haven't read since it's not really my thing, but if it IS your thing, then I'd hazard a guess that it's pretty good as well. :)

Title: Exeunt, Pursued By Heteronormativity
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack & Lardo/Shitty, sort of Eric/Jack/Lardo/Shitty
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 35,786
Content/Warnings: outsider POV, het
Summary: Shitty Knight takes a post-graduation road trip. Four friends, six thousand miles, two tents, several embarrassing photos, a giant rabbit, three cops, and a bear.
Really interesting and well written fic. I loved Shitty's POV and the connection between him and Lardo and Jack and Bitty and all of them together was wonderful. I thought Lardo's character was wonderfully characterized, and this fic has one of the best polyamorous-type relationships I've read. Hard to describe, but I really enjoyed.

Title: The Left Hand of Godlessness
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, past Jack/Parse, background Shitty/Lardo
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 38,044
Content/Warnings: switching, bottom!bitty, bottom!jack, addiction recovery
Summary: If Jack’s learned anything from Shitty, it’s that Jack deserves nice things now. There is not a timetable on happiness. And Shitty is certain a future means “fucking fuck all” if Jack’s “a miserable, broken robot”. And regardless of any promises, Jack is certain no one could protect him from Eric Bittle because even the armor of Jack’s recovery had done nothing in the face of southern hospitality and unconditional, unapologetic love.
Between Shitty and Bitty, Jack is spoiled with the now.
Wonderfully real fic that cover's Jack's addition and continuous recovery. Jack was really beautifully characterized, and the development between Jack and Bitty's relationship was perfection.

Title: the messes of men series (4 Fics)
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack, Lardo/Shitty, Parse/OMC, past Jack/Parse
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 70,791
Summary: His first year in the NHL isn't easy, but Jack has spent his entire life playing through the hurt.
Really wonderful fic that starts with the end of Jack’s senior year and goes through his first year in the NFL. I loved Jack’s characterization here, his anxiety and loneliness, his love for Bitty and his almost paralyzing fear. Beautifully written with a really satisfying ending. There is also a fourth sequel fic that details Jack and Bitty’s life together in the first year or so after Bitty graduates. They definitely have their problems, but it’s a really lovely and moving fic.

Title: The Skype Dates
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 73,328
Content/Warnings: phone sex
Summary: For the Can't Hardly Wait challenge, I present to you: my on-the-fly-written account of Bitty and Jack's Skype conversations between May and July. It starts modestly and gets deeper & more heated as it goes on.
Oh this was just the sweetest thing! It's the story of Bitty and Jack's developing relationship from the graduation kiss all the way up until they see each other again in July. I loved how the author develops things through skype calls and shows how a long-distance relationship between them could work. Lovely and sexy fic, and I sincerely hope the author adds more of this verse! I'd love to see what happens when they finally physically are in the same room together and some of that crackling sexual tension finally has an outlet. :D.

Adam "Holster" Birkholtz/Justin "Ransom" Oluransi

Title: BFFWB
Pairing(s): Holster/Ransom, Holster/OFCs, Ransom/Holster/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,171
Content/Warnings: dirty talk, het sex, scent kink
Summary: Ransom's schedule this semester leaves no time for a sex life. Holster has a solution for that. (Set fall 2014)
Super dirty hot. Loved Ransom's kink, and the tension between the two was gorgeous.

Title: Score
Pairing(s): Holster/Ransom, mention of Holster/OFCs, Ransom/Holster/OFC, Random/OFCs, Holster/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12,727
Content/Warnings: dirty talk, 'Swawesome Santa 2015
Summary: Ransom and Holster like to score goals for each other, and they like to take care of each other. It was probably just a matter of time before those two things became entangled.
Super hot fic! LOVED the characterizations in this, and the way the sex came about between Rans and Holster and the feelings began to develop were both just perfect.

Derek "Nursey" Nurse/ William "Dex" Poindexter

Title: Not Your Boyfriend
Pairing(s): Dex/Nursey, Nursey/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,171
Content/Warnings: first time
Summary: “So Farmer, do you… uh.” Derek feels his cheeks warming. “Do you think Dex and I are… dating?”
Dex makes a sound like he’s sucking a breath through his teeth.
“Aren’t you?” Farmer looks back and forth between Derek and Dex, and then blushes. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, I just assumed.”
Such a sweet fic! Really loved the characterizations here, and the ending was too freaking sweet.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

fandom: check please!, kink: praise!kink, trope: halloween!fic, fest: blow job friday, trope: shared bed, trope: fake/pretend relationship, trope: forced proximity, challenge: rectober, kink: shower!sex, trope: secret relationship, fest: 'swawesome santa, kink: dirty talk, bottom!bitty, pairing: bitty/jack, pairing type: slash, kink: rimming, kink: car!sex, pairing: dex/nursey, kink: barebacking, kink: panty!kink, kink: sexting, trope: long-distance relationship, kink: phone!sex, rec: fic, please!, kink: drunk!sex, kink: intercrural sex, fest: valentines please!, established relationship, pairing: holster/ransom, kink: scenting, trope: holiday!fic, au: alternate first meeting

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