Kirk/Spock Recs < 15,000 Words

Oct 09, 2017 10:54

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In the Warnings section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "spanking" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated September 26, 2018

< 15,000 Words

Title: Stud
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,259
Warnings: piercing!kink
Summary: Jim, what the hell is that clicking noise?
Loved the idea of Jim with a tongue-piercing and the blow job was crazy hot!

Title: This is Not Forgiveness
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,422
Warnings: rough sex, biting, bottom!kirk
Summary: If he were the kind of person who got sad instead of angry he would have died when he was nine and his fingernails were breaking on the last rocky inch of solid ground.
I loved this. Gritty and rough and angry, but so very them (particularly the angrier reboot versions of them), and the ending is perfect.

Title: Alien Technology
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,459
Warnings: sex toys, bottom!kirk, fucking machine, st xi kink meme
Summary: Kirk/Spock; fucking machine. Kirk on the receiving end, really being fucked open and taking it, while Spock has the controls. Bonus points for the machine being alien technology.
I am a firm believer that there should be fucking machine fics in every fandom. Fun and super hot.

Title: I'm Stuck on You
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,459
Warnings: knotting, bottom!kirk
Summary: He’d been with plenty of aliens in his time, and none of them had ever had dicks that changed shape once they reached full hardness-though there had been some that could move in the most amazing ways-and he’s pretty sure he’d remember if he’d heard about this when they went over Vulcan anatomy and reproduction in xenobiology.
Knotting!fic is a must have in every fandom and this one is super hot!

Title: Anatomy Homework
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,464
Warnings: established relationship, knotting, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk gets a surprise from Spock. Basically smut. There is a bit of love and romance talk though.
Super hot knotting fic!

Title: All Titles Are Clichés
Author: dagnirovanaliel
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,545
Warnings: spanking, bottom!kirk, st xi kink meme
Summary: Response to this kinkmeme prompt: Spock/Kirk - spanking (becoming Captain over Spock has gone to Kirk's head)
Guhh, this was so hot. Love me a more dominant Spock, and him taking the Captain down a peg was freaking hot.

Title: Untitled
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, brief Kirk/OFCs, Kirk/OMC, Kirk/Gaila
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,633
Warnings: rimming, implied bottom!kirk
Summary: Written for kink meme prompt: One partner loves to be rimmed but for whatever reason (he thinks it's unhygienic/gross or he's afraid his partner will think that or he's been with someone in the past that told him that it was) he doesn't tell his partner and they can tell he's holding back something. Then there's reassurances and some hot rimming.
Poor Kirk just wants somebody to rim him! Super freaking hot and surprisingly sweet.

Title: Untitled
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, implied Spock/Uhura
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,834
Warnings: scenting, made them do it: aliens, bottom!kirk, implied infidelity
Summary: Spock is addicted to the way Kirk smells.
This was so freaking hot! The way it is written yo ucan just feel their desperation and desire for one another.

Title: Yes, Sir
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,111
Warnings: established relationship, praise!kink, D/s dynamics, bottom!kirk, sex toys
Summary: Jim's the one being fucked, but he's the one in charge: giving instructions, generally being a tease, and reducing his first officer to a frustrated wreck.
Seriously hot fic that plays around with the standard D/s dynamics.

Title: easy to be sleazy (when you've got a filthy mind)
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,254
Warnings: dirty talk, bottom!kirk, st xi kink meme
Summary: Kirk loves running his mouth during sex. He talks dirty to turn Spock on, but half-way through it, he completely loses it and is reduced to babbling/begging/embarrassing professions of undying love. written for the kink meme.
Love me the dirty talk in this and how shamelessly desperate for it Kirk is.

Title: You Can’t Even Break a Rule
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,307
Warnings: established relationship, light D/s, spanking, bottom!kirk
Summary: “No, Spock, don’t-“ Jim sputters as he’s shoved into an empty medlab room. The door shuts, and Jim finds himself suddenly flattened against the wall, his face against cold metal, an angry Vulcan pressed flush against his back from head to heel.
Super hot spanking fic with awesome kink negotiation and sexy commanding Spock.

Title: don't last like the feeling
Author: anowlinsunshine
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,622
Warnings: outsider POV, het, het sex
Summary: Kirk and Spock's relationship developing while Spock is still involved with Uhura.
Really wonderful fic from Uhura's POV that starts with Spock and Uhura still in a relationship and shows the development of Kirk and Spock's feelings for one another. beautifully written and a truely wonderful characterization of Uhura.

Title: post tenebras lux
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,695
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: It’s as if McCoy’s departure has sucked the oxygen from the room. Spock suddenly finds himself at a loss, as if the sheer magnitude of all he wants to say and do, the measure of it, is too much to put into words.
God this is such a crazy hot fic and the perfect "missing scene" from Heart of Darkness.

Title: Lend Me Your Ears
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 2,850
Summary: An ear kink can go both ways, you know.
Just some really freaking hot reverse ear porn.

Title: Screw
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,860
Warnings: AU, engineer!spock, bottom!kirk
Summary: fills the kink!bingo prompt "domestic/tradesman kink"
God this was so hot. Sort of an AU where Spock is an engineer working on building the Enterprise and then he meets Jim looking for a part and sparks fly. Super sexy.

Title: Yellow
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,944
Warnings: made them do it: sex pollen, dub-con, bottom!kirk, outdoor!sex
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea.
Beautifully written fic with a dreamy tone that fits perfectly with the sex pollen trope.

Title: Love Not Given Lightly
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,046
Warnings: established relationship, D/s dynamics, BDSM, spanking, bottom!kirk
Summary: It was supposed to be a milk run.
Super hot fic that has Spock taking control after a difficult mission.

*NEW: 9/26*
Title: Indulgent
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,069
Warnings: established relationship, bottom!kirk
Summary: Jim is enchanting, and Spock can't resist his bondmate.
(Or, Jim and Spock enjoy each other, and their love.)
Really lovely fic with an older Kirk and Spock settled on earth. I adored their dynamic here.

Title: ride that into the sunset
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,092
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: Jim wants to ride that (and by "that" he means "Spock's dick") into the sunset
Jesus this is super freaking hot. A fun and sexy fic with a really perfect Kirk.

Title: Reception
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, background Scotty/Uhura, Sulu/Chekov
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 3,166
Warnings: established relationship, st xi kink meme
Summary: Written for the Star Trek XI Kink Meme prompt: "Kirk/Spock. Marriage, with a side of warm, sleepy snuggling and nuzzling. I want a Spock who secretly loves to cuddle and Kirk who secretly loves that Spock loves to cuddle. The marriage part can be taken however you want. It doesn't have to be them getting married." Also fulfills another prompt: "Chocolate covered strawberries. GO!"
Such a lovely, mellow fic. Established relationship and slightly tipsy Spock and weddings and sweet sexy times at the end.

Title: Songs of Seleya
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,300
Warnings: established relationship, light D/s, temporarily blind!kirk, role play, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk studies the Vulcan language while on medical leave. Naturally, sexytime ensues.
God this was gorgeous. Loved the little bit of Vulcan culture and sexy spock using sex as a teaching tool!

Title: A Moment of Silence
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,304
Warnings: angry!sex, dub-con, bottom!kirk
Summary: At the end of the movie, Jim Kirk can't let go that easily.
This is awesome. I loved how it addressed the deaths of all the cadets in the first movie, and the sex was a bit gritty and bitter and angry and crazy hot for it.

Title: Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain
Author: teethe
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,500
Warnings: established realtionship, first time, sex toys, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk accidentally sees Spock naked. Of course Kirk being Kirk he looks... then looks again as Spock is HUNG... as in oh my god you are never putting that thing in me hung.
Kirk does what any self respecting Starship Captain would do; he races to his computer and hits up the sex shops online HARD and orders himself a variety of different sized dildos... intending to work himself up to the real thing.
Super hot fic that is basically just Kirk fucking himself with dildos, and then getting fucked by Spock. ;)

Title: How We Go Together
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,659
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: "Have you ever been in love, Spock?"
Beautiful fic that shows us glimpses of Kirk and Spock's relationship over the years.

Title: Jim Kirk Gets Some Tail
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,692
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: As it says on the tin.
Basically Jim grows a tail because of ~reasons~ and then he and Spock have hot sex. Awesome.

♥ Title: Count Sheep
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,024
Warnings: massage!fic, bottom!kirk
Summary: Jim’s been having trouble sleeping and coping; Uhura suggests Vulcan neuropressure.
This is pretty much everything I love about massage fics. Mind-meltingly hot. Seriously.

Title: Wall
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,391
Warnings: angry!sex, wall!sex, switching, bottom!spock, bottom!kirk
Summary: "First time slightly angry wall sex? And maybe, if you want, sweet second "first" time sex after they wake up or something."
I can totally see their relationship starting this way! Crazy freaking hot with the rough wall!sex and the switching and the riding. Unnff.

Title: Mixed Messages
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,532
Warnings: shower!sex, bottom!kirk
Summary: Spock suspected his Captain was flirting with him. Confusion, misunderstandings, fluff, and a little bit of smut.
Cute little fic of Spock trying to figure out Kirk's flirtatious motivations. And then shower!sex. Woooo!

Title: It's A Wonderful Fleet
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,688
Content/Warnings: holiday!fic, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk's settling in after the first six months captaining the Enterprise. And it's Christmas.
Fun holiday fic and OMG so freaking hot!

Title: Game Day
Author: berusama
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,700
Warnings: established relationship, rough sex, bonding!fic, bottom!kirk
Summary: Spock is not pleased with the latent homo-eroticism found in North American football.
Such a fun and super hot fic with possessive Spock!

Title: Powder
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,852
Warnings: sex pollen, sex toys, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk gets a face full of sex pollen on an away mission. He’s ready to take matters into his own hands when the object of his secret affections makes an offer of assistance.
Wicked hot sex-pollen fun!

Title: Mind if I Stay?
Author: thehauntedpiano
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,069
Warnings: shared bed, rimming, bottom!kirk, st xi kink meme
Summary: Kirk and Spock get into a habit of falling into bed together, just to cuddle, after dangerous missions. Kirk is perfectly content with the arrangement, while Spock is wondering WHY THERE IS NO SEX. Basically the entire story takes place in bed.
Wonderful fic with a Spock who knows he wants Kirk and isn't at all hesitant or ashamed of that fact, and an oblivious Kirk who is a bit more cautious. Loved the slight switching of roles in this one.

Title: Request
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,119
Warnings: table!sex, rimming, bottom!kirk, sex pollen
Summary: After the casually dubbed "sex pollen incident" Spock has trouble going back to the way things were. Especially every time his captain says a very particular phrase.
Super hot fic with Kirk and Spock being under the influence of sex pollen and then, of course, figuring out what to do with all that sexual tension after the fact. ;)

♥ Title: Encircled
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,200
Warnings: established relationship, bonding!fic, bottom!kirk
Summary: Spock has a ring kink, which doesn't exactly help his control when Jim decides to buy a wedding ring. And wear it. In public.
Love the idea of runs being akin to costs for Vulcans! Interesting concept and super sexy execution!

Title: Froot
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,824
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!kirk, bathroom!sex, semi-public!sex, implied switching
Summary: Jim and Spock go to a restaurant on Jim’s birthday
God this fic is SO HOT! I just really adored their relationship here, so solid and loving and playing and sexy. And then the hand feeding foreplay leading to crazy hot bathroom!sex.

Title: The Male Vulcan in Mating Season
Author: eagle-of-idiocy
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,849
Warnings: pon farr, bottom!kirk, light dub-con, knotting, st xi kink meme
Summary: Six places in which Spock tried to make it with Kirk, and the one time and place Kirk finally got the hint and decided to help out.
Such a cute and funny fic. Almost tips over into crack in the best possible way.

Title: dorkus ignoramus (all's fair in love and war)
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,994
Warnings: established relationship, bottom!kirk, implied switching
Summary: “Oh fuck me,” Jim says, groaning. “Is this some kind of April fool's joke?” he asks, double tapping on his PADD to bring up the chronometer app for good measure. “Do Vulcans, like, keep a separate calendar and it's actually April the first today?”
- in which Kirk and Spock engage in an unusual battle of wits (that somehow ends in a battle of sex).
OMG, this fic is so much fun! Lovely and light with a wonderful relationship between Kirk & Spock.

Title: Buyer Beware
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,280
Warnings: sex toys, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk buys himself a new sex toy. He really should have read the back of the box more closely ...
Funny and sexy fic!

Title: The Chase
Author: eagle-of-idiocy
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,316
Warnings: established relationship, pon farr, rough sex, rimming, felching, bottom!kirk
Summary: When Pon Farr strikes, Kirk uses it to his advantage and leads Spock on a wild chase throughout the Enterprise. An unimpressed McCoy is caught in the middle of it all.
One of the best pon farr fics I've read. Sexy and funny and sweet with an awesome Bones.

♥ Title: master of a nothing place
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,643
Warnings: light D/s, dub-con, rough sex, bottom!kirk
Summary: Spock is stripped of his logic on an away mission gone bad and turns feral, incredibly violent and utterly brutal. when he comes across Jim, though, he is possessive, protective, and even affectionate.
Um, holy fuck this is so fucking hot. God, feral Spock going all caveman is everything I never knew I needed.

Title: The Possessive Pronoun
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,049
Summary: Or "That Which Belongs To Me". One, simple word, burning bright in his mind as though someone had carved it there with a hot poker, wouldn't let him think about anything else.
UNF! Super sexy fun with Jim being unexpectedly possessive, and Spock not minding at all.

Title: One of a Kind
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, implied Nyota/Sulu
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,074
Warnings: bottom!spock
Summary: Three planets. All things rare and beautiful.
Really lovely, gentle fic that shows us glimpses of Spock and Kirk's relationship over the years across three planets.

Title: The One Where Jim and Spock Have Sex During Shore Leave
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, mention of Kirk/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,437
Content/Warnings: rimming, bottom!kirk, felching, light D/s, dirty talk, talk of bottom!spock
Summary: See title. :)
Crazy hot fic with an in-control Spock, a dirty talking Jim, and sex in front of mirrors (always a favorite).

Title: Perpetual Check Series (5 Fics)
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura
Rating: NC-17 overall
Word Count: 7,441 total
Warnings: bottom!kirk, table!sex
Summary: Kirk and Spock build a relationship through chess.
Short series of chess-related snap-shots that show the development of Spock and Kirk's relationship. Fun, angst-free without being overly fluffy, and crazy hot strip chess!

Title: Turn Not Back
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, background Bones/Gaila, Uhura/Chapel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,672
Warnings: pon farr, bottom!kirk, bonding!fic, sex toys
Summary: Pon farr hits and Spock finds himself without a mate. Except . . . wait, when did that happen? Accidental!bonding fic.
Awesome and crazy hot pon farr fic! Just fabulous.

Title: What Happens in Vegas . . . Well, You Know the Rest and prequel To Have and To Hold
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17 overall
Word Count: 2,001 and 5,722
Warnings: marriage!fic, drunk!sex, mind altering substance: alcohol, bottom!kirk, woke up married, bonding!fic
Summary: BOOZ + CHOCOLATE + VEGAS + SPORK = SEXIEST HANGOVER EVARZ // The atmosphere and the alcohol is working its magic. There’s not a soul among them that hadn’t shed the stress and tension of their latest mission an hour into their foray into historic Las Vegas.
Such fun fics! Loved the Vegas setting and the marriage joke that turns sweet and super hot. And hilarious morning after!

Title: Five People Who Loved Spock
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, brief Spock/Nyota and Spock/T'Pring
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,812
Summary: Written for the Star Trek XI Kink Meme prompt: “Five people who loved Spock and the one he loved back. Ending Kirk/Spock. Can include OCs, Uhura, whatever. :) Bonus points for creativity with those five people!”
Wonderful fic that shows some of Spock's relationship with others throughout the years and, of course, ending with Spock's relationship with Jim.

Title: Animal
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, past Nyota/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,866
Warnings: bottom!kirk, rimming
Summary: Sometimes all you have left is heat and sweat.
Such a wonderful read! There was such a gorgeous sense of atmosphere here and the whole thing was seriously hot.

Title: Great Expectations
Author: ragdoll987
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,000
Content/Warnings: established relationship, massage!fic, implied bottom!kirk, k/s advent 2009, holiday!fic
Summary: Jim is determined not to enjoy Christmas, but his lover is just as determined to change that.
Unapologetic Christmas fluff. With bonus sexy massaging!

Title: Distraction
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,041
Warnings: light voyeurism and exhibitionism, bottom!kirk, wall!sex
Summary: Jim catches Spock in an intimate situation and can't get the image out of his mind.
Super hot fic with a sex-distracted kirk and a surprisingly devious Spock.

Title: The Hot
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: R
Word Count: 8,522
Summary: Jim is cold. Spock is hot. Temperature-hot, of course.
Fun and sexy fic with Kirk waking up from an injury wrapped around Spock and having a lot of feelings about the matter.

Title: Wherein Kirk Swears that the ‘T’ Doesn’t Stand for Thickheaded
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,558
Warnings: dub-con, pon farr, bottom!kirk, bonding!fic, st xi kink meme
Summary: Based on the prompt: Spock/Kirk, Spock enters Pon Farr while trapped somewhere with Kirk. Kirk is clueless.
Awesome and amazingly hot pon farr fic with some lovely ~feeling~ stuck in there.

Title: Love Story
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 8,559
Warnings: AU: High School, underage, barebacking, bottom!kirk
Summary: You were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles and my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" and I was crying on a staircase, begging you, "Please don't go."
This is a really great fic with the boys a bit younger. I honestly thought I wouldn't like this one much, just based on the T-Swift summary, but I loved Jim and Spock here, they were just really freaking cute. And I thought the slight twist on the Frank arc was really interesting.

Title: Geode
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, past Nyota/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,189
Warnings: bottom!kirk, light D/s, post ST:Beyond
Summary: Thirty wasn't a good number for Jim Kirk, but thirty-one might end up being better -- if he can keep his head down long enough.
Really wonderful fic with Kirk acting out on the anniversary of his father's death, and Spock coming along to bail him out of trouble and show him how much he's cared for. Lovely and smoking hot.

Title: Lush
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,204
Warnings: established relationship, future!fic, bottom!kirk, rimming, mention of past character death
Summary: Jim wonders if the bond can endure the indignities of aging.
Really lovely fic that depicts Jim and Spock's relationship 30+ years into the future. I loved the issues they dealt with and how this was very much a fic about older characters. Really wonderful.

Title: Teach Me Tonight
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,688
Warnings: switching, bottom!kirk, bottom!spock
Summary: During sex, Jim is so intent on pleasing his partner that he never actually reaches orgasm himself. Spock is out to change all that
Fun premise and pretty much just 9k of smoking hot porn. :D

Title: Your heart's sudden but inevitable betrayal
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,845
Warnings: AU: Academy, bottom!kirk, rimming, teacher/student relationship, k/s advent 2017
Summary: They first meet in a bar. In San Francisco. After one of Jim’s epic brawls.
I love me a good Academy AU and this one was such a delight! I loved Jim's persistence in pursuing Spock and the whole thing was sexy and fun and lovely.

Title: L'appel du vide Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,953
Warnings: established relationship, switching, bottom!spock, bottom!kirk, kid!fic
Summary: In which Jim pops another sort of question, and Spock needs time to think.
Really sweet fic with Kirk and Spock thinking through the possibility of having a baby in the first fic, and then going for it in the second! Just lovely.

Title: Red Shift
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,201
Warnings: established relationship, implied switching, bottom!kirk, wall!sex, public!sex
Summary: Even on alien planets where it's socially acceptable, Spock doesn't do well with public nudity, particularly when his mate is involved. Fortunately for Jim, this usually leads to possessive wallsex.
Seriously hot fic with Kirk provoking Spock and getting more than he bargained for. I liked how the author explored potential difference between Humans and Vulcans when it comes to relationships, and the dynamic between Spock and Kirk was great.

Title: Degrees of Separation
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,262
Warnings: torture, st xi kink meme
Summary: Being captured and tortured by aliens leads to Spock mind-melding with Kirk for the first time, with unexpected consequences for both of them.
This fic is really wonderfully written and has really fantastic characterizations of Spock and Kirk. The torture isn't too graphic and there is surprisingly little angst. I loved how these bad events end up as sort of the catalyst that forces them to admit their feelings. There is also a sequel in this 'verse with the McCoy/Uhura pairing, but I haven't read it.

Title: Mission Parameters
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, Spock/T'Pring, Stonn/T'Pring
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,337
Warnings: AU, marriage!fic, bonding!fic, bottom!kirk
Summary: AU. In a world where Vulcans want nothing to do with humans, Jim Kirk has to trick one of them into a marriage if he wants to establish diplomatic relations. It's all for the good of the Federation, really.
Interesting AU where Kirk has to marry a Vulcan for ~diplomatic reasons~ and luckily ends up meeting/convincing Spock to go along with it. Sweet and sexy fic.

Title: And Then I Let Go
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, past Spock/Uhura
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,362
Warnings: post-ST:Beyond (spoilers), switching, bottom!kirk, bottom!spock
Summary: Post-Star Trek Beyond. The crew of the Enterprise gets a breather while they are waiting for their new ship. Jim uses the time to do something he had sworn he would never do.
Wonderful post-ST:Beyond with Jim and Spock coming together and finally admitting their feelings for one another. The characterizations are fantastic, and it has a particularly great Uhura.

Title: Compatibility Test
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,616
Warnings: first time, bottom!kirk
Summary: In which Spock learns about human relationships, and Kirk learns a thing or two about Vulcans.
Fun and sexy fic with a Spock who is pretty clueless about human ideals regarding sex, but he catches on quick! :D

Title: Tear You Apart
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,800
Warnings: AU: Academy, professor!spock, teacher/student relationship, office!sex, desk!sex, car!sex, bottom!kirk
Summary: ‘It’s only just a crush, it'll go away; it's just like all the others it'll go away.
Or maybe this is danger and you just don't know; you pray it all away, but it continues to grow.’
Crazy hot Academy AU with a seductive Kirk and an unable-to-resist professor Spock.

Title: steady as the stars in the woods
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,035
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: Captain’s Log, Jim makes a mental diary entry. I heard my First Officer sneeze, for the first time in living memory, and we may be upon Armageddon.
Really cool fic with Spock gaining a new slant to his psychic powers that ends up enabling him to realize Kirk's feelings for him. Lovely and super hot.

Title: I Walked My Love On The Night
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,566
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: Spock cannot change like the night sky. They are what this world has made them, spinning and shattering but whole and alive nonetheless. And together, damn it. They found each other again in this universe and Jim knew that they were a constant. They would not change.
Really excellent fic dealing with the aftermath of ST:ID. Great build up and lovely connection between Kirk and Spock.

Title: Knowing Me, Knowing You
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,602
Warnings: AU: Academy, teacher/student relationship, professor!spock, magic, halloween!fic, first time, switching, bottom!spock, bottom!kirk
Summary: Kirk and Spock meet at the StarFleet Academy Costume Ball and are immediately drawn to each other.
Really interesting fic with sexy, elaborate costumes and a wonderful connection between Kirk and Spock. I enjoyed the magical, supernatural elements here. Not something you usually see in Star trek fics but it really worked!

Title: Chocolate, Spice, and Everything Nice
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 11,634
Warnings: holiday!fic, rimming, bottom!kirk, k/s advent 2010
Summary: Kirk is secretly in love with his first officer. Spock is secretly intoxicated by chocolate. Add in an away mission, a day in the snow, and a hot brown beverage (hint: it isn’t coffee).
Adorable holiday!fic with horny, drunk Spock and poor Kirk who is totally in love with him but refuses to take advantage. Sexy and cute.

Title: Closer
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 11,724
Warnings: AU: Academy, professor!spock, teacher/student relationship, first time, k/s advent 2011, holiday!fic
Summary: Academy AU. Kirk has a massive crush on Spock and convinces the professor to go on dates with him, although nothing happens (Jim can delay gratification, really he can!). Finally Spock caves in over the holidays.
Sweet, wonderfully paced Academy AU. I loved the development of their relationship here and their connection was lovey.

Title: The Passing of Fire Into the Blood
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12,061
Warnings: first time, dub-con, mind altering substance: drugs, talk of bottom!kirk
Summary: After a diplomatic mission goes horribly, humiliatingly wrong, Jim learns something surprising about Spock.
Sex pollen type fic but not as dub-con as many of them are. Super sexy and loved the sweet and hopeful ending.

Title: Ladder
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, past Nyota/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 14,395
Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: A Starfleet captain should know he can't cheat death, just like a Vulcan should know that embracing emotion is the path to destruction. Spock doesn't believe in miracles, but the rules never seem to apply to Jim Kirk.
A story about breaking all the rules, breaking down, and rebuilding.
Oh, this fic is just wonderful! Really beautifully written fic that starts immediately after ST:ID and deals with Spock and Kirk coming together after everything that happened. Lovely.

Title: Long Term Developments
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, past Spock/Uhura
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 14,874
Warnings: post-ST:Beyond (spoilers)
Summary: After their most recent life threatening disaster, Jim and Spock find themselves faced with some down time. Jim’s idea to further develop the bond Spock had accidentally created between them four years before yields some interesting results.
Wonderful post ST:Beyond fic that explores Jim and Spock's relationship with the understanding that a bond was created between the two of them during the first movie. I loved the characterizations and their relationship, and their interactions felt incredibly believable and realistic. Fantastic read!

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kink: sex toys, trope: marriage!fic, au: academy, pairing: kirk/spock, kink: dub-con, trope: shared bed, kink: teacher/student relationship, kink: exhibitionism, torture, engineer!spock, trope: bonding!fic, kink: spanking, kink: fucking machine, kink: shower!sex, kink: dirty talk, kink: bathroom!sex, kink: table!sex, fandom: star trek, profession: teachers and professors, kink: infidelity, kink: outdoor!sex, kink: felching, pon farr, kink: piercing!kink, kink: knotting, kink: underage, kink: role play, kink: car!sex, pairing type: slash, kink: rimming, kink: public!sex, kink: barebacking, kink: office!sex, kink: desk!sex, trope: mind-altering substance, kink: angry!sex, pairing type: het, trope: made them do it, au, kink: voyeurism, trope: woke up married, kink: d/s dynamics, rec: fic, switching, kink: rough sex, kink: drunk!sex, fest: ksadvent, kink: wall!sex, established relationship, au: high school, kink meme: st_xi, blind!kirk, kink: scenting, massage!fic, trope: holiday!fic, kink: first time

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