Come Hang Out in London :D

Sep 22, 2017 09:10

It’s less than a month until
dicta_contrion and I touch down in London, and until our fandom meetup!! As we investigate venues we’ve realized we need some numbers - and a way to get in touch with those of you who are coming you to let you know where it is!

Some details:
  1. London, Saturday October 21st, beginning early evening
  2. Meetup for drinks and fandom chat with fellow HP fans!
  3. Anyone is welcome, so long as you’re 18+ and fannish - you don’t have to know us in order to come.
If you’re planning to attend please click HERE and fill out this quick google form to let us know! The sooner the better, so we can get a headcount. If you’re thinking of attending but aren’t entirely sure yet, please do still fill it out asap; there’s an option to let us know that, and we’d hate to run out of room!

{{reposting from Dicta's tumblr}}

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personal: travel, fandom

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