HP Next Gen Het & Threesome Recs

Sep 20, 2017 11:21

These are all of my Next Gen Het & Threesome Recs fic recs!

Click HERE for other Harry Potter Next Gen Recs!

In the Warnings section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "voyeurism" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated January 4, 2019

Het Pairings

Title: Sweet Girl and remixed sequel All in the Family
sdkshelly and
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Lily Luna, Harry/Lily Luna, implied Albus Severus/Lily Luna
Word Count: 2,140 and 2,050
Warnings: incest, sibling incest, parent/child incest (kind of), underage, serious dub-con, intercrural sex, table!sex, first time, light daddy!kink,
daily_deviant's birthday 2014
Summary: Harry's only ever treated Lily as a father would a daughter. Her older brother, on the other hand, has a different way of taking care of his little sister. // Lily's persistence finally pays off, only not in the way she expects.
God this was super freaking hot and so many dirtybadwrong feels from both. James is a bit of a manipulative bastard in these fics, but, then again, it seems like the whole Potter family is a bit off in the best kind of way.


*NEW: 1/4*
Title: Between Them
Pairings: Teddy/James Sirius, James Sirius/Teddy/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,400
Content/Warnings: established Teddy/James, threesome, sibling incest, double penetration, dirty talk, bottom!james, *for me,
daily_deviant Kinky Kristmas 2018
Summary: James loves being full.
Oh my goodness gracious, was this ever hot like burning fire! Gorgeous relationship dynamics and some unnaturally hot sex. Everything I could ever want from this threesome and so. much. more.

Title: Auror, Boy, and a Cat
Pairing(s): Teddy/James Sirius, Albus Severus/James Sirius, Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,104
Content/Warnings: established James/Teddy, threesome, xenophilia, rimming, dirty talk, fisting, double penetration, sibling incest, bottom!james
Summary: Al wants to show James his new trick. Teddy has some tricky ideas of his own. James is along for the ride.
JFC, this is filthy freaking hot, you don't even understand. It has about a million of my kinks (DP, sibling incest, a smidge of xeno, dirty talk, cockwhore!James, to name a few....). And even through all the glorious porn, we still get this feeling for James and Teddy's relationship, how solid it is, which makes me ridiculously happy.!

Title: Drink Me
Pairing(s): Albus/James, Albus/James/Teddy, James/Teddy, implied Albus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5,600
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, m/m/m threesome, bottom!albus, rimming, dirty talk, spit-roasting, light dub-con,
hp-nextgen-fest 2018
Summary: Before going to bed on his 18th birthday, Albus drinks one of Weasley Wizard Wheezes' newest wish-fulfillment potions, his gift from Lily.
Man this fic is SUPER hot! It has all the dirtyhotwrong feels I love with this pairing, and the characterizations and relationships between everyone here were all just superb!

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

kink: underage, kink: rimming, pairing type: slash, pairing: james sirius/lily luna, kink: incest, kink: dub-con, pairing type: het, pairing: albus/james/teddy, rec: fic, kink: double penetration, fest: daily_deviant kinky kristmas, kink: intercrural sex, kink: dirty talk, pairing type: next gen, kink: daddy!kink, kink: table!sex, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, kink: fisting, kink: first time

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