June Daily Deviant Fic: Leave Me Like the Light (Charlie/Bill, NC-17)

Jun 10, 2017 08:45

I'm back again with another
daily_deviant offering! Only, I'm a day later than usual, because yesterday was actual chaos and somehow I managed to completely forget to post my fic. :( Anyway, this month's theme of sex in/under water immediately called to mind warm summer days at the lake, and for some reason, this pairing soon followed. I haven't had many opportunities to explore these two before, so it was definitely interesting working through their characterizations here. :)

Title: Leave Me Like the Light
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Bill, implied past Charlie/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Coitus a unda/Undinism: Sex in/under water
Other Warnings/Content: underage (Charlie is going into 7th year), sibling incest, frottage, angst
Word Count: ~3,600
Summary/Description: It's Bill and Charlie's last summer together.
Author's Notes: This scenario and pairing immediately popped into my head for this month's themes, which was super exciting, as I've only ever drabbled with these two before. I hope you enjoy. :D Title is from the poem "If You Should Go" by Countee Cullen.

Thanks to
capitu and _melodic_ for looking this one over! <3

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please feel free to comment here or there.

kink: underage, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, kink: incest, kink: frottage, pairing: bill/charlie, rating: nc-17, comm: daily_deviant

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