FIC: Enough (Draco/Sirius, NC-17)

Jun 03, 2017 16:10

In case you missed it, the bottom-draco community over on livejournal is hosting as mini comment!fest in honor of Draco's birthday. There are a ton of Draco-related prompts to choose from, and the whole thing is already tons of fun. Naturally, there are several Drarry fills already, so I decided to rep a different pairing, just for variety. ;) It's been awhile since I've written some Draco/Sirius (in fact, the last time was for Draco's birthday party two years ago!) so I figured now was as good a time as any to revisit! I hope you enjoy, and please check out the mini fest and consider leaving a prompt or fill. :D

Title: Enough
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,420
Content/Warnings: Sirius Lives AU, sort of drunk!sex, feelings, wall!sex, bottom!draco (duh)
Summary: Written for the prompt: Draco only shows up on his doorstep when he's drunk. Sirius is tired of it.
Notes: As much as I adore me some Draco/Harry, I figured this lovely comment fest could use some non-Drarry fills. Thanks to
icicle33 for leaving this inspiring prompt. Unbeta'd.

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This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please feel free to comment here or there.

no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: post-hogwarts, pairing: draco/sirius, au: sirius lives, kink: drunk!sex, bottom!draco, kink: wall!sex, pairing type: cross gen, rating: nc-17, fest: bottom_draco, kink: anal sex

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