drabble madness

Apr 17, 2017 07:58

Some of those prompts have been hard over at
daily_deviant! I've started challenging myself to alternate between het, slash, and femslash, and to write characters of colour. It's added another layer of fun to the challenge. :)

Unzipped; Lavender/Parvati, PG-13, 100 words

Bananas; Kingsley/Luna, R, 100 words

Grief; Lee/George/Fred, PG-13, 100 words (Canon Character Death)

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please feel free to comment here or there.

pairing: kingsley/luna, fest: daily_deviant's birthday, pairing: fred/lee/george, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, pairing: lavender/parvati, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, pairing type: femslash, rating: pg-13, comm: daily_deviant, pairing type: het, rating: r, drabble

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