FIC: Through the Dark (Draco/James Sirius, NC-17)

Feb 14, 2017 15:00

This is my third year doing hp-kinkfest and it continues to be an awesome and exciting fest! I had a hard time narrowing down the prompts, but in the end I went with a pairing I've been wanting to write more of.

Title: Through the Dark
Author: gracerene
Prompt Number: # S71 submitted by nia-kantorka
Kink Showcased: Sensory Deprivation
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/James Sirius
Summary: Being kept in the dark should terrify him, but this time it doesn't. In his company James felt safe.
Warnings: established relationship, blindfolds, light D/s, light praise!kink, anal fingering, anal sex, subspace
Word Count: ~3,500
Author's Notes: In the end, this turned more towards blindfolds than full sensory deprivation, but I hope this still hits the spot. Thank so much to the lovely capitu and cabinetcaligari for all of your wonderful help with this fic! <3
Available on AO3: Through the Dark

pairing: draco/james sirius, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, kink: d/s dynamics, kink: praise!kink, bottom!james, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, kink: blindfolds, established relationship, fest: hp_kinkfest, rating: nc-17, kink: fingering, kink: anal sex

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