Writing Accountability - Day 26

Jan 26, 2017 18:04

Had my worst day all month yesterday and once again, I'm behind! Work has been kind of a nightmare and ugh, I'm just so done by the time I get home, you know? Hoping to get some words tonight and get, if not on track, then at least a little closer to it than before.

I'm about to head into hd-writers srsbzns Chatzy chat room, if anybody is around and wants to join me for some sprints. I should be there for a few hours!

Total Monthly Goal: 50,000
New Words Written: 205
Total Words So Far: 39,322

Monthly Goals: draft & finish gift!fic, claim & complete fic for hp-kinkfest, claim & draft hp-goldenage, claim & start dracotops-harry, Auror Training Fic!
Projects Worked On: dracotops-harry

I'd love to hear how y'all are doing with your writing endeavors as well, so lease feel free to comment on this post and any future posts with your writing progress!

grace does nanowrimo, personal: writing

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