Title: Morning After
gracerenePairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Prompt 105: Morning After for
hp_nextgen100Author's Note: Unbeta'd
James woke up to sunlight streaming on his face and a warm body plastered along his back. His momentary confusion faded as fragments of the previous night came back to him: the sharp taste of tequila-salt-lime, the heady smell of Teddy's spicy cologne, the spine-melting pleasure of Teddy's body moving against him. It seemed like a dream, but the dull ache in James's arse told him it wasn't.
"Morning already?"
James nodded mutely, unsure what would happen now.
Teddy's lips brushed against James's nape. "Breakfast? I make a mean fry-up."
A giddy grin spread across James's face. "Breakfast sounds great."