October Multi-Fandom Recs

Oct 28, 2016 08:00

I didn't manage too much multi-fandom reading this month. Between the craziness of work & RL, the busyness of modding/proofing, and every spare fandom reading minute being dedicated to hd-fan-fair, there wasn't a lot of time for other fandoms to make it on the list. But there were a few gems this month. :)

[Check, Please!: Bitty/Jack]Title: blaspheme
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,811
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!!bitty, first time
Summary: It’s not that Bittle doesn’t swear. It’s more that Bits doesn’t swear as much as the rest of them, Jack thinks. Bittle swears for emphasis, carefully picking and choosing when to drop a curse into his sentence, just to pack a little punch in whatever he’s saying.
Super sweet and sexy fic with Jack finding it particularly...arousing when Bitty swears, especially because he does it so rarely. The sex was super hot and it was just a really lovely and sexy snapshot of their relationship.

[The Raven Cycle: Adam/Ronan]Title: in the soft of the early evening glow
Pairing: Adam/Ronan
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,720
Content/Warnings: established relationship
Summary: When he had gone back to school in January, Ronan’s scalp had still been shaved. This is the longest Adam’s ever seen it, outside of pictures from before Niall Lynch’s death. He wonders if Ronan’s growing it out purposefully or if he simply hasn’t taken the time to trim it back down, then thinks that Ronan rarely does anything without a purpose.
Ronan runs a hand through his hair and more curls make themselves known. Want hits him then, hot and heavy, curling in his gut.
Lovely fic with Adam not being able to come home for entire semester, and when he comes back, Ronan's hair has grown out. Which, of course, he finds incredibly sexy. Sweet and hot little slice of life.

[Star Trek RPF: Chris/Zach]Title: A Deck With a View
Pairing(s): Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,921
Content/Warnings: RPF, established relationship, secret relationship, intercrural sex
Summary: "It feels like the day is impermeable, wrapped in the cotton wool of sea fog and cut off from the rest of the world. Their phones struggle to find signal, the freeway is miles away, and even the seagulls are minding their gossiping tongues. It’s like they exist in between the lines on a page, like they’ve fallen off the edge of the world, and, Zach thinks, he could get used to this."
aka: Chris and Zach rent a beach house.
This was so great! The connection between Zach and Chris was lovely, and their stolen vacation together was lovely, if a little bittersweet. The tone here was wonderful, and I loved the hopeful ending.

fandom: check please!, pairing: bitty/jack, pairing type: slash, fandom: raven cycle, rec: fic, rpf rec: fic, pairing: adam/ronan, fandom: star trek, pairing: chris/zach

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