Drabble: Insatiable (Lily Luna/Scorpius, R)

Sep 22, 2016 12:52

Title: Insatiable
Author: gracerene
Pairing: Lily Luna/Scorpius
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Prompt 101: Welcome Home for hp-nextgen100
Author's Note: Unbeta'd. Also, drabbling is hard, and I definitely need the practice...

"That was some welcome home," Scorpius panted, his chest still heaving.

Lily collapsed on the bed next to him, her bare breasts bouncing. "I missed you."

"I was at the store for less than an hour."

She grinned playfully before kissing his neck and nipping at his ear. "I was starting to get lonely, all by myself with nobody to satisfy me. I thought I might need to go down to the beach. Find myself a strapping young lad who could-

Scorpius growled and flipped Lily over, licking into her until she screamed.

His pretty new wife really was insatiable.

no repost, my fanfic, comm: hp_nextgen100, trope: marriage!fic, established relationship, pairing type: next gen, pairing type: het, rating: r, pairing: lily luna/scorpius

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