May Multi-Fandom Recs

Jun 03, 2016 08:00

Not too many recs this month, as most of my free time was spent writing, but still managed to find a few gems. :D

[Check, Please!: Bitty/Jack]Title: quite new a thing
Pairing(s): Bitty/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,676
Content/Warnings: established relationship, panty!kink
Summary: Bitty buys them on a whim.
OMFG this is hot as hell and beautifully written. Love the idea of Bitty wearing sexy panties for Jack, and Jack's reaction as perfection.

[The Hobbit: Bilbo/Thorin]Title: Ivy and Diamonds (out-take directly following Chapter 41 of Sansûkh)
Pairing: Bilbo/Thorin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,105
Content/Warnings: praise!kink, dirty talk, piercing!kink, implied switching
Summary: There's not a lot to do while waiting for someone to wake. After the last few weeks of fear and worry, the stillness is odd and unnerving.
Well, perhaps there's one or two things that could pass the time...
Lovely and super sexy outtake with Bilbo and Thorin finding ways to overcome the fact that they can't touch one another. Beautiful. [FYI: This is a “Deleted Scene” from Sansûkh, which is an amazing Thilbo & Gigolas WIP that I highly recommend. I think you’d probably be okay to read this fic without having read Sansûkh, but it’ll make a bit more sense if you read the main fic first. It's long but SO, SO WORTH IT.]

[Inception: Arthur/Eames]Title: I Seem to Be a Verb
Author: bookshop
Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames, Arthur/OMCs, background Mal/Cobb, past Arthur/Yusef & Eames/Fisher
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 93,873
Content/Notes: AU: Non-Dreamshare, AU: Bookstore, AU: Fusion, Notting Hill Fusion, actor!eames, rimming, switching, bottom!eames, mostly bottom!arthur, light D/s
Summary: Notting Hill AU, written for the i_k prompt, "I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." Arthur owns a quirky hipster science bookstore. Eames is a world-famous mega-celebrity. Clearly this calls for a meet-cute.
Oh, this fic is just so wonderful! Beautifully written with fabulous characterizations and a connection between Arthur and Eames that just sizzles. There's no small amount of angst, but it makes the ending that much more satisfying when you get there. Plus the sex was seriously, seriously hot.

[Teen Wolf: Derek/Stiles]Title: A Thrill of Hope
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,059
Content/Notes: rimming, holiday!fic
Summary: Stiles crashes through the forest with Derek in his sights, stopping every so often to launch another snowball and duck one of Derek’s. Obviously Derek could outrun him in a heartbeat if he wanted to, but for some bizarre reason he apparently wants to hang out with Stiles and have an epic snowball fight. Maybe it’s a Christmas miracle. Or maybe Derek is just as bored and lonely as Stiles is.
Oh, this was just lovely and sexy and beyond sweet. Really wonderful little Christmas fic..

Title: (don't) blame it on the alcohol
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,041
Warnings: barebacking, bottom!stiles, implied switching
Summary: Stiles brews wolfsbane beer in the hope of getting drunk with Derek - for ya know, male bonding purposes. With Scott still at Davis and everyone else so busy all the time, Stiles and Derek are the bestest of bros now, and it's only right that they be allowed to get sloshed together.
Unsurprisingly, Stiles catches the feels.
This was lovely! Super adorable watching Stiles and Derek bond and become closer, and Stiles begin to realize that he's totally in love with Derek. Luckily, Derek definitely returns those feelings. Sweet and hot!

fandom: check please!, pairing: bitty/jack, pairing type: slash, fandom: inception, rec: fic, fandom: the hobbit, pairing: stiles/derek, fandom: teen wolf, pairing: bilbo/thorin, pairing: arthur/eames

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