For capitu: Love ♥ (Draco/Harry, NC-17)

May 24, 2016 13:00

Title: Love ♥
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~650
Content/Warnings: established relationship, wanking, fantasy, implied switching, hung!harry (because I so shamefully left Harry's cock out of the last fic I wrote for capitu)
Summary: Draco has picked an awfully inconvenient time to realise how he feels.
Notes: Written for the most wonderful capitu. I was looking through the remaining 50 Reasons, and thinking about what to write you, and I knew I had to go with Love ♥. You are such a wonderful person and a dear friend, and I hope you enjoy this little thing, lovely! Also sort of written for mmom.

Thanks to fantasyfiend09 for the beta.

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50 Reasons to Have Sex Masterlist

no repost, my fanfic, 50 reasons to have sex, fandom: harry potter, gift!fic, fest: mmom, rating: nc-17, pairing: draco/harry

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