A Few HP Recs

Feb 02, 2016 08:00

Realized I've been slacking with my HP Recs lately! I actually think most of these recs are from December (and even November), and I just forgot to post them... :/

But I have A Plan and hopefully I'll be on a somewhat regular reading schedule to knock out some of the TBR fics floating around in my inbox and bookmarks. :D

[H/D Recs]Title: The Weight of Eternity and remix Time to Eternity
Author: envy_venis and wellhalesbells
Pairing: Harry/Draco, brief Draco/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~37,000 total
Content/Warnings: veela!draco, creature!fic, rimming, mates, healer!harry, bottom!draco, implied switching
Summary: Desperate for survival, Draco takes what he needs from others while avoiding the one he’s meant to be with. His newfound compassion will not allow him to trap the one he loves, even if it means his own life is the price paid for Harry’s freedom of choice.
Wonderful Veela!Fic with Draco knowing that he needs to be with Harry, his true mate, but unwilling to ask Harry for something he's sure he won't give. Sweet build, and super sexy. The remix is the same story but from Harry's POV.

Title: Stop and Stare
Author: saras_girl
Pairing: Draco/Harry, Hermione/Ron
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:78,314
Warnings/Content: switching, bottom!draco, bottom!harry, holiday!fic
Summary: Harry’s life is full of care, he has no time to stop or stare; he has no time for anyone’s shit, until his friends aren’t having it. A story about the unravelly things.
Such a beautiful fic. Harry and Draco are sort of part-time friends, until Harry is forced to encounter Draco mor frequently and actually get to know him. The build is gorgeous and slow and not at all angsty. Just a really lovely, gentle fic with a very satisfying ending.

[Harry/Sirius]Title: Flying in Place
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing: Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,623
Warnings/Content: underage, face-fucking, blow job friday 2015
Summary: Once they'd all gone, Harry turned and leaned against the countertop. Sirius stared at him from his seat at the table, long legs stretched out. They both listened to the others' voices retreating, their footsteps going slowly up the stairs.
Super hot PWP set during OotP. Loved the connection between Harry and Sirius that shines through.

[Albus/Gellert]Title: Golden, Ripe and Rotten Series (4 Fics)
Author: starfishstar
Pairing: Albus/Gellert
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8,244
Summary: Three glimpses into the summer Albus Dumbledore met Gellert Grindelwald in Godric’s Hollow, from its beginning to its end. (Plus one extra to the series: the story of the duel.)
Really beautiful and haunting series showing the rise and fall of Albus and Gellert when they were teens, and a fic detailing their duel all those years later. The writing is gorgeous, and the characterizations felt so real and authentic.

pairing type: slash, rec: fic, pairing: harry/sirius, pairing: albus/gellert, fest: blow job friday, fest: hd_remix, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, pairing: draco/harry

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