November Multi-Fandom Fic Recs

Nov 29, 2015 09:00

In between bouts of writing and proofing for hp-nextgen-fest and hd-erised, I spent November reading through various fandoms. Normally I would probably separate some of these recs out into different posts, but since it's nearing the end of the month, I figured I'd just lump them all together. :)

[Check, Please!: Bitty/Jack]Title: Driving Me Wild
Pairing(s): Eric/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,561
Summary: Bittle swings his leg over the seat, his thighs spreading open. Jack swallows. (Or, Jack sees Bitty on a motorcycle and it ignites his pants pretty much on the spot.)
Oh this was so fantastic! Bitty on a motorcycle was amazing, and Jack's reaction were perfect.

Title: gonna wanna make it move
Pairing(s): Eric/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8,173
Content/Warnings: fake/pretend relationship, thanksgiving, holiday!fic
Summary: He spends so much time thinking ahead--being careful, holding onto everything so tightly with his shaking hands--that it’s easy to forget that he’s an honest to god dipshit.
Really sweet fic with pretend dating and Jack realizing that maybe he deserves to have Bitty for real.

Title: Helpless
Author: emmagrant01 |
Pairing(s): Eric/Jack, background Lardo/Shitty
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,763
Content/Warnings: shower!sex, rimming, implied switching
Summary: “So we should ask Bits and Lardo to come with us to New York,” Shitty said.
Jack turned to look at him, frowning. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, man. I mean, I know this was supposed to be just you and me, but… We both know those two are gonna be part of our lives after graduation. It’d just be like. Getting a head start on it.”
Oh this is so perfect! Loved all of them going on a trip to New York and finally making their moves. The characterizations were perfect here, and the connection between Bitty and Jack was fantastic. Super fucking hot, and just a really satisfying and believable fic.

Title: All Saints
Pairing(s): Eric/Jack, background Dex/Nursey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 21,532
Content/Warnings: shared bed, halloween!fic
Summary: Halloween; when even the most fractured families come together. Truly, the most wonderful time of the year.
Oh my goodness this is so freaking adorable! Takes place during the beginning of Bitty's senior year, and I just loved the relationships between everybody here. All the characters felt so believable, and the developing relationship between Eric and Jack was especially lovely.

[Check, Please!: Bitty/Jack & Lardo/Shitty]Title: Exeunt, Pursued By Heteronormativity
Pairing(s): Eric/Jack & Lardo/Shitty, sort of Eric/Jack/Lardo/Shitty
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 35,786
Content/Warnings: outsider POV, het
Summary: Shitty Knight takes a post-graduation road trip. Four friends, six thousand miles, two tents, several embarrassing photos, a giant rabbit, three cops, and a bear.
Really interesting and well written fic. I loved Shitty's POV and the connection between him and Lardo and Jack and Bitty and all of them together was wonderful. I thought Lardo's character was wonderfully characterized, and this fic has one of the best polyamorous-type relationships I've read. Hard to describe, but I really enjoyed.

[The Raven Cycle: Adam/Ronan]Title: Lose It
Pairing: Adam/Ronan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,409
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!adam
Summary: “I can’t believe y’said that,” Adam whispered, eyes still closed. There was a small smile on his lips. Ronan pushed himself up to kiss it.
“I can’t believe you get turned on by romantic shit,” Ronan muttered in reply, kissing Adam’s jaw.
Gorgeous and super hot fic!

Title: Roses Between My Thighs
Pairing: Adam/Ronan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,162
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!ronan, first time
Summary: Four things that could have ruined them but didn't.
Beautifully written fic and a wonderful connection between Adam and Ronan.

[Spartacus: Agron/Nasir]Title: Seven Times Nasir and Agron Failed at Goat Farming, and Seven Times They Didn’t
Author: aldiara |
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,400
Content/Warnings: established relationship, implied bottom!nasir
Summary: As it turns out, goats are hard work and entirely too fond of violent home invasion. 14 goat farm drabbles.
I really need all of the goat-farmer-Nagron fics in my life. This one was brilliant, and I adored all of the snapshots of Nasir and Agron's life after the war (with their goats).

Title: Do Not Wake
Author: aldiara |
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,519
Content/Warnings: established relationship, intergluteal sex, somnophilia, dirty talk, bottom!nasir, post-sex fingering *for me
Summary: It’s late at night and Agron is fucking tired. Nasir is hard to resist, though, even when he’s fast asleep.
Super fabulous somnophilia fic that manages to be dead sexy, and funny, and romantic, and perfectly in character all at once!

Title: The Solace of Day Break
Author: einfach_mich |
Pairing: Agron/Nasir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,111
Content/Warnings: bottom!nasir
Summary: Nasir worries for Agron's safety and wonders at the meaning of a certain kiss.
Great fic that takes place mid season two after that first kiss and shows the possible evolution of their relationship following Agron's return. Sexy and sweet.

[Star Trek: Kirk/Spock]Title: Tearing at the Threads
Author: 1lostoneficspot |
Pairing(s): James T. Kirk/Spock, past Spock/Uhura, mention of past Kirk/OFCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 21,351
Content/Warnings: bottom!kirk
Summary: Spock and Jim crash-land on a planet, and Jim (rather predictably) is hurt, forcing Spock to confront certain truths that can't possibly be logical.
This was a wonderful fic. We've got hurt!Jim and pining and jealousy and broken bonds that all get resolved with some gooey feels and super hot sex!

[Teen Wolf: Derek/Stiles]Title: Our Memories Are Numbered
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 23,105
Warnings: memory loss, rimming, implied bottom!stiles
Summary: Stiles’ Jeep grinds to a halt, he sees someone running through the rain, he's not expecting it to be Derek. He's not expecting a Derek without any memories either, or an Alpha pack that's coming for all of them. He probably should've, because lately nothing goes the way he expects.
This is great! Love the amnesia trope here, and how it really makes for a softer, more open Derek. It was cool seeing what he might be like without his past weighing him down, and the connection between Derek and Stiles is electric. Interesting take on the Alpha pack, and overall just a really satisfying and sexy read.

Title: tricks or treats (Part 6 of the Domestic Series )
Author: thepsychicclam |
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek, background Allison/Scott, Melissa/Sheriff, Isaac/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17,587
Content/Warnings: established relationship, kid!fic, implied switching, shower!sex, dad!derek, dad!stiles, halloween!fic, holiday!fic
Summary: It's Halloween, and Derek and Stiles are dealing with rambunctious Pack kids, a preteen crisis, PTA meetings, and a six year old's meltdown.
Such a sweet update to the series! I liked getting to see more of Gil, and the kids being a little older was super cute. Just some happy fluff to make you smile. :)

[The Vampire Diaries: Alaric/Damon]Title: Kiss With a Fist
Author: ellensmithee |
Ellen Smithee
Pairing(s): Alaric/Damon
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,196
Content/Warnings: hate!sex
Summary: A missing scene after Alaric punches Damon at the Grill (1x17 "Let the Right One In").
Hot little ficlet with hate!sex in an alley. :D

[The Vampire Diaries: Damon/Stefan]Title: Blood of My Blood
Author: ellensmithee |
Ellen Smithee
Pairing(s): Damon/Stefan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,016
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, blood play
Summary: Damon and Stefan work out an issue or two.
Hot little ficlet with hate!sex in an alley. :D

pairing: damon/stefan, fandom: check please!, pairing: bitty/jack, pairing: agron/nasir, pairing type: slash, fandom: raven cycle, rec: fic, fandom: spartacus, pairing: adam/ronan, fandom: the vampire diaries, pairing: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, pairing: alaric/damon

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